The apostasy of the Roman Catholic and Protestant churches is becoming more and more apparent. Pantheism practiced and taught, celebrated completely unabashedly. It’s slowly time to pack up and escape from these “houses of unclean and hated birds” as quickly as possible.
Inhalt / Content
- 1 Like mother, like daughters
- 2 Jesuits teach pantheism
- 3 Franciscan sister loves the sun
- 4 EKD also worships the sun
- 5 EKHN prays to the “God of this world”
- 6 Evangelical Church celebrates Gaia
- 7 Francis fables about Oceanus and Gaia
- 8 Apostasy has long since taken place
- 9 Return to the gospel excluded
- 10 1 plus 7 demons in the house
- 11 The unholy trio of Babylon
- 12 Unsavable churches – get out!
Like mother, like daughters
The true “theology” of the Roman Catholic Church is becoming more and more apparent. A pantheism practiced at its core, worshiping the sun as a god and abusing the gospel to give this idolatry a Christian appearance. The once Protestant or evangelical institutions have long been on the same track as daughters who have returned to Rome to their mother.
Jesuits teach pantheism
Jesuits Global featured a docile boy named Chibin on social media. A sixth grade student at the Loyola School, Thiruvananthapuram in Sreekariyam, Kerala state, India. A school founded by the Jesuits in 1961 and run ever since. Chibin recited a clearly memorized text (in English):
“Finding God in all things. This may be the one phrase that sums up Ignatian spirituality. It invites a person to search for and find God in every circumstances of life. God is present everywhere and can be found in all of creation. You must take time to reflect on our experience, to look on the data of the day and discern their meaning. God is present in your day-to-day study and work, in your struggle and fun, in your emotions and discoveries and even in the incidental things that happen. Take this insight as a challenge to look at details of your life this week and ask the question: Where is God in this situation? What is the grace he is offering to me? In what way do I encounter divine love?”
The Gospel speaks clearly about such seduction and deception,Matthew 18:6:
“But whoso shall offend one of these little ones which believe in me, it were better for him that a millstone were hanged about his neck, and that he were drowned in the depth of the sea.”
God in all things – Francis of Assisi
God is in all things and can be found in all of creation. That is not the gospel. Nor is it the God of the Bible. This is pantheism, according to the ideas of Francis of Assisi, the namesake and great role model of the current Pope Francis.
In principle, the student Chibin recited excerpts from the encyclical “Laudato Si'”. Francis published this letter in 2015 and is a revelation of the thoroughly pantheistic orientation of the Roman Church.
Pope Francis in encyclical Laudato Si’
Point 9 of this encyclical states:
“Es ist unsere bescheidene Überzeugung, dass das Göttliche und das Menschliche einander begegnen in den kleinsten Details des nahtlosen Gewandes der Schöpfung Gottes, sogar im winzigsten Staubkorn unseres Planeten”
The Pope writes about Assisi in point 11:
“he would call creatures, no matter how small, by the name of ‘brother’ or ‘sister’”
An interim balance found in point 85:
“We can say that ‘alongside revelation properly so-called, contained in sacred Scripture, there is a divine manifestation in the blaze of the sun and the fall of night’”
Francis writes plainly in point 88:
“The bishops of Brazil have pointed out that nature as a whole not only manifests God but is also a locus of his presence. The Spirit of life dwells in every living creature and calls us to enter into relationship with him.“
Hollywood feigns pantheism
What this pantheism, believed and taught by the core of the Roman Church, looks like is shown in more detail by the natural religion of the inhabitants of the fictional planet “Pandora” shown in the film “Avatar“. These Pandora inhabitants, invented in (Indian-demonic) blue, see the deity hidden in all of nature.
The name “Pandora” was obviously not chosen by chance either. Pandora is a figure in Greek mythology. She was therefore the first woman. The main god Zeus used them as an instrument of wrath. She is therefore responsible for all the evils of humanity throughout the world. In an earlier Greek pantheon, Pandora was considered an earth goddess.
Franciscan sister loves the sun
A “professional” of the Catholic faith presented as a series on social media by the Catholic magazine “” is “Sister Katharina”, a nun of the Franciscan Sisters and thus in the same vein as Francis of Assisi. She recently greeted from her summer break with the saying:
“Vacation and worship is sunbathing in the presence of God“.
EKD also worships the sun
The Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD) presented a “prayer suggestion” of a similar nature in connection with an image of the sun setting over the sea (excerpt):
“Radiant, warming God, I thank you for the summer on my skin, so that I can feel the heat, the cooling wind and the refreshment in the water.“
“Day of the Lord – Day of the Sun”
While the Roman Catholic Church is still trying, at least officially, to coin the “Day of the Lord” with (“a”) Jesus, the EKD completely openly and unabashedly describes the “Day of the Lord” as the “Day of the Sun” (Source).
This was at the beginning of March 2021, i.e. on the 1700th anniversary of Emperor Constantine’s Sunday law in 321, still in the role of Pontifex Maximus at the time. This law for special observance of the first day of the week (Sunday) served the “venerable sun” and Constantine used the logo of “sol invictus” (“invincible sun”) on the Roman coins of the time.
This sign is now known as “Pax Christi”. However, not in the sign of Jesus Christ (“Christ” = “Anointed One”), but of the “anointed one” Mithras, the sun god and light bearer of Mithraism (Info).
The Bible certainly knows the term “Day of the Lord.” However, the meaning is completely different – Info.
EKHN prays to the “God of this world”
The Evangelical Church in Hesse and Nassau (EKHN) also presents a strange representation of “a god”:
“God, we come to you. You are our God. Forever and ever. (Ps 48:14)
We trust you. When we doubt or when we hope. When we are afraid or happy. We follow your light and your word.
We are happy to be here. With you.“
For the sake of completeness, Psalm 48:14 used by EKHN in full:
“For this God is our God for ever and ever: he will be our guide even unto death.“
Which god could be meant?
EKHN “prays” that “we” were happy to be here, with “him”. Where are “we” actually? Based on the gospel, humanity finds itself in this world. What does the gospel say about this world?
John 14:30:
“Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.“
John 16:8-11:
“And when he is come, he will reprove the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgment: Of sin, because they believe not on me; Of righteousness, because I go to my Father, and ye see me no more; Of judgment, because the prince of this world is judged.“
John 18:36:
“Jesus answered, My kingdom is not of this world: if my kingdom were of this world, then would my servants fight, that I should not be delivered to the Jews: but now is my kingdom not from hence.“
Idolization of the adversary
James recognized very clearly that this world in which humanity currently finds itself has nothing in common with the Kingdom of God. James 4:4:
“know ye not that the friendship of the world is enmity with God? whosoever therefore will be a friend of the world is the enemy of God.“
The Bible thus makes it clear that the prince (ruler) of this world is God’s adversary, Satan. Who would want to have this as their “god”? The “EKHN brothers” obviously want that.
Evangelical Church celebrates Gaia
In July 2023, the Evangelical Lutheran Church in Bavaria offered St. Martin’s Church in Memmingen as an exhibition space for an “art series”. A huge globe hung in the middle of this church (Info). This oversized globe was named “Gaia”. The “earth goddess giving birth” according to Greek mythology.
Francis fables about Oceanus and Gaia
Pope Francis gave a speech to political and business delegates at World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon. With his words, the pontiff found himself far removed from the gospel and in the realm of myth (Info). He linked his “theology” to the connection between peoples with the “classic gods” Oceanus, the common son of the sky Uranus and the earth goddess Gaia. She takes Okeanos in her gentle arms and invites him to “envelop the entire inhabited world in tenderness.”
An image that can be found in the religion of ancient Egypt. Here the goddess Isis takes her son Horus in her arms. This Isis has a startlingly large number of characteristics that are identical to the attachments for the (Catholic) Mary (Info).
Apostasy has long since taken place
The list of examples of the obvious apostasy of the once evangelical churches, away from the gospel and towards paganism, could now fill many files. At this time, the Roman Catholic Church can no longer be said to have fallen away. This drift into hopeless idolatry occurred in two phases as early as 320 and the end of the 5th century. This Catholic institution set the cornerstone for the construction of the “Temple of the Unclean and Hated Birds” in 325 at the Council of Nicaea.
According to Biblical prophecy, this apostasy can also be described as a “program.” (Info). The papacy, consisting of the “beast from the sea” and the scarlet-purple whore. The once Protestant churches, in their completely apostate state, are the spiritual part of the “beast from the earth” and thus the “false prophet” (Beasts in Revelation 13 – Info).
Return to the gospel excluded
Institutionally there is nothing left to save. The Papacy, the “man of sin, the son of perdition, the abomination of the earth, the whore of Babylon,” is entirely in the service of the great adversary. A departure from this would cost the papacy its definition and its existence. This harlot will not even die as a “lonely widow,” according to Revelation 18:7. The once evangelical daughters are gathered around her in large numbers.
With the Reformation, this “demon” of Catholicism was cast out and the Protestant churches adopted the Gospel instead of the Catholic traditions. However, not entirely consistently. This is evidenced by the continued traditions such as Easter, Christmas and Sunday observance (Info).
1 plus 7 demons in the house
The Reformation Church building was largely cleaned and decorated. However, the tireless efforts and unique cunning of the Jesuits succeeded in emptying the house of Protestant churches again during the Counter-Reformation. The once expelled and homeless “demon” returned to the empty house and brought with him seven others who are even more evil than himself (Matthew 12:45).
This character can be clearly seen in these churches today. Rituals and myths reintroduced by the mother church Rome, spiritualism practiced and malicious distortion of the gospel. These churches justify their “church service” participation in the colorful CSD events with the biblical-looking statement, “everything you do, do it in love.” A complete twist, as it says in 1. Corinthians 10:31:
“Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, do all to the glory of God.“
The Jesuit morals were fully adopted by these churches (Info).
The unholy trio of Babylon
The dragon, the beast (from the sea) and the false prophet. The unholy trio and a counterpart of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. “Babylon the Great” is the name given to her finite state (Babylon – Info). The fate of the components of this Babylon is determined. Complete destruction, without leaving any traces behind. The beast and the false prophet end at the return of Jesus and the dragon “somewhat” later.
Unsavable churches – get out!
What applies to the unsalvageable institutions does not necessarily apply to the people who are, in most cases, deceived. Nevertheless, it should be said here that the motto applies: “Fellow-captured, hanging-along!”. For all people who are still in Babylon in any way, whether institutionally or spiritually, the gospel has an urgent warning in Revelation 18:4 (mehr Infos):
“Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues.“
There’s almost no time left. The home straight is already being driven. The current pontiff, a Jesuit, appears to be the forerunner of the upcoming eighth beast according to Revelation 17 (Info). The “Beast from the Abyss”, already active at the time of the French Revolution (Rev. 11) and also an actor in the last hours of current human history.
Therefore shall her plagues come in one day, death, and mourning, and famine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.
Revelation 18:8
Bible verses from King James Version