Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

By their fruits you shall know them – Rome’s rotten fruit

Verrotteter Apfel


The actual number of casualties caused by the Roman Catholic Church is expected to remain a mystery until “Judgment Day.” But a look at old historical records and apparently not yet “corrected” information gives an idea of ​​the extent of the cruelty of this institutional “hypocrisy”.

Represented piety

The Roman Catholic Church claims to be the body of Christ on earth. Pure, just, loving, without spot or wrinkle, always caring for the well-being of each and every soul. Exactly as Jesus Christ is described in the four gospels of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, as well as the letters of Paul and Peter. The clerics are always pious and always afflicted with a special enlightenment. In carrying out their liturgical rituals, the priests appear to have remained in a deep fervor and sanctity.

Theory and practice are not the same thing and the Roman Catholic Church is historical evidence of how depicted lambishness and practiced diabolism can lead a parallel existence. Today it is no longer as clearly stated as it was a few hundred years ago, but it still exists in all its force and cruelty. It is not the words that count, but the actions, as in Matthew 7:15-16:
Beware of false prophets, which come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravening wolves. Ye shall know them by their fruits. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles?

The memories of the countless atrocities committed by this church have largely been erased. What still shines through is put into perspective and whitewashed. Anyone who searches for current information about the Roman Church will only find parts of it and the numbers shown appear as if one and the other following zero had been lost from the number. All that remains is to dig through outdated literature, in the archives of contemporary witnesses and authors who were much closer to the events of the past than we are today.

Old sources show much more

More than 100 years ago, there was already a lack of historical records that were once made, not to mention the holdings in the Vatican archives themselves.

That the Church of Rome has shed more innocent blood than any other
institution that has ever existed among mankind, will be questioned by no
Protestant who has a competent knowledge of history. The memorials, indeed, of
many of her persecutions are now so scanty, that it is impossible to form a
complete conception of the multitude of her victims, and it is quite certain that no power of imagination can adequately realize their sufferings.

(“History of the Rise and Influence of the Spirit of Rationalism in Europe,” Vol. II, p. 32. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1910.)

But in addition to the quantitative examination of the trail of blood left by the Church of Rome, the quality, motives and approach play a decisive role. This is of particular importance because, as is well known, the Roman Catholic Church still exists today and appears to be anything but a languishing, outdated institution.

Important NOTE!

To clarify: the institution of the Roman Catholic Church is described, not the individual, voluntarily or involuntarily baptized Catholic. There are also many Christians in the Church of Rome who believe in the Gospel. Even some “simple” ordained priests may carry out their ministry in “good faith” and with demonstrated “good will,” even if in complete error. However, the time is near when the decision must be made. Either remain in “Babylon” (info) with all the consequences, or turn your back on this obvious earthly adversary as quickly as possible and seek salvation in the gospel (see Revelation 18:1-8).

Victims of the Crusades

Knight Amor
Knights and orders – soldiers and armies of the Middle Ages

The example of the so-called First Crusade, propagated by Pope Urban II in 1095 and started in 1096, shows how difficult or even impossible it is to record the actual number of victims from the bloody hands of Rome. Jerusalem was to be liberated from the Muslims and be taken over by Christianity again. Over the centuries, the Muslim world reported around 70,000 victims, the Catholic Church reported “only” 10,000 victims. Today, with a time gap of more than 1,100 years, modern science claims to have discovered that there were “only” around 3,000 victims in Jerusalem. People also seem to remember history “differently” in other areas than was the case just a few years ago.

First Crusade

The First Crusade did not begin with the slaughter of the Muslims living in Jerusalem, but rather began its journey to the Middle East in the first few kilometers. The horde incited by the pontiff, motivated by the promise of an “absolute indulgence”, marched through the country robbing and pillaging and destroying everything that did not adhere to the Catholic faith. According to a very conservative estimate, the First Crusade initiated by the Roman Catholic Church claimed around 120,000 lives.

Second CrusadeSecond Crusade

With the First Crusade, the papacy let the genie out of the bottle. Crusader groups, brotherhoods and orders were already forming. The Templar Order in particular has gained fame and, above all, power. Not only dedicated to “heroism” in the faith, but also to increasing one’s own wealth through – as one would say today – lucrative banking deals.

On December 1, 1145, Pope Eugene III called for an official second crusade with the help of his “crusade bull” Quantum praedecessores. The call was addressed to France’s King Louis VII, his people and also the people of northern Italy. However, the enthusiasm was limited. Only after other allies had been persuaded to take part in the crusade did the Second Crusade set off in mid-May 1147. The “brave” knights had raged in the Middle East, including in Damascus, today’s Syria. The Second Crusade ended in failure.

Third Crusade

The Third Crusade started in 1189 and again aimed directly at Jerusalem. Sultan Saladin had to be driven out of the city walls. Frederick Barbarossa led the crusade. But he died before the “Holy Land” was reached. All that remained were France’s King Philip II and Richard the Lionheart of England. However, this expedition ended bloodlessly near Jerusalem in 1192. A peace treaty was reached. However, the path to get there was accompanied by countless other victims.

Other crusades initiated by the papacy did not affect people in distant countries, but rather many ethnic groups in their own area or immediate area of ​​​​power. These were not purely “punitive excursions”, but rather the extermination of entire ethnic groups (genocides). Estimates of the number of victims during the Crusades of 1095 and 1270 tend to be between 1 and 3 million.

General persecutions and genocides

The activities of the Roman Catholic Church are difficult to categorize. There are numerous overlaps between the eradication of entire areas of land, the motives of the Inquisition and, from the 16th century, the aim of destroying general Protestantism.

Summary by John Dowling

“History of Romanism”, John Dowling, 1871, Seite 541 und 542:


From the birth of Popery in 606, to the present time, it is estimated by careful and credible historians, that more than Fifty Millions of the human family, have been slaughtered for the crime of heresy by popish persecutors, an average of more than forty thousand religious murders for every year of the existence of Popery. Of course the average number of victims yearly, was vastly greater, during those gloomy ages when Popery was in her glroy and reigned Despot of the World; and it has been much less since the power of the popes has diminished to tyrannize over the nations, and to compel the princes of the earth, by the terrors of excommunication, interdiction, and deposition, to butcher their heretical subjects.

The associated footnote reads:

History of Romanism - Page 542

No computation can reach the numbers who have been put to death, in different ways, on account of their maintaining the profession of the Gospel, and opposing the corruptions of the Church of Rome. A MILLION of poor Waldenses perished in France; NINE HUNDRED THOUSAND orthodox Christians were slain in less than thirty years after the institutio of the order of the Jesuits. The Duke of Alva boasted of having put to death in the Netherlands, THIRTY-SIX THOUSAND by the hand of the common executioner during the space of a few years. The Inquisition destroyed, by various tortures, ONE HUNDRED AND FIFTY THOUSAND within thirty years. These are a few specimens, and but a few, of those which history has recordet; but the total amound will newer be known till the earth shall disclose her blood, and no more cover her slain

Description by William C. Brownlee

“The Roman Catholic Religion Viewed In The Light Of Prophecy And History”, 1848, William Craig Brownlee (1784-1860), Seite 96:


The best writers enumerate fifty millions of Christians destroyed by fire, and the sword, and the inquisition ; and fifteen millions of natives of the American continent and islands ; and three millions of Moors in Europe, and one million and a half of Jews. Now, here are sixty-nine millions and five hundred thousands of human beings, murdered by “the woman of the Roman hills, who was drunk with the blood of the saints.” And this horrid list does not include those of her own subjects, who fell in the crusades in Asia, and in her wars against European Christians, and in South America ! When, and where, I pray you, has Mohammed ever murdered such a host, such a world of human beings!


For many years, the henchmen, on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church, pursued the Waldensians who were hidden in the Alpine region on the border between Italy and France between 1160 and 1560. A total of 36 waves of persecution almost completely wiped out the Waldensian people. Their “offense”: They taught the gospel as it was written. Most of their records also fell victim to the “purges” of the Roman Church.

Samuel Clarke (1599-1682), born in Warwickshire, England, son of a pastor of a particularly Puritan community and author of the book “Martyrology”, 1652, estimates the number of Waldensians murdered in the first half of the 13th century alone and in France to around 2 million people.

Cathars – Albigensians

Persecution - torture
The captors of Rome knew no boundaries

Innocent III, one of the most powerful and influential popes in church history and “incorporator” of the English crown, clearly had his sights set on the Cathars, also known as the Albigensians. The actions against the Cathars were carried out as massive crusades. The papal campaign of extermination against the Cathar ethnic group should be absolutely canceled. Pope Innocent III sent the henchmen with the order, “Kill them all, God will recognize his own.”

The outgoing Catholic crusaders took him at his word. In Béziers in July 1209, all (!) around 22,000 people living there fell victim to the massacre. They weren’t selective because the victims also included Catholics. The Cathars hiding there did not want to hand them over. Therefore, most of the massacred Cathars were pulled from the church buildings, where they had hoped for protection.

In August 1209, the papal knights rampaged through the city of Carcassonne, crowded with refugees. Most people managed to escape. Around 500 residents remained, mainly children, the elderly and the sick. 100 were driven out of the city unclothed, the remaining 400 were hanged or burned. Afterwards, around 400 Cathars from the town of Minerve were also burned. The Albigensian Crusade did not end until 1229.

In addition, there are numerous murder cases of Cathars that were not carried out in the cities that were attacked or besieged, but rather after they had been abducted and tried by the Inquisition. In 1278, a public execution of around 200 Cathars took place in Verona. They were all burned.


In France, from 1560 onwards, according to John Calvin, Protestants were targeted by Roman persecutors. After all, the Huguenot group made up a good 12 percent of the entire population of France in 1560. There were around 2 million people.

In connection with the Huguenot ethnic group, the “Huguenot Wars” and the so-called “Bartholomew’s Night” are particularly well known. On August 24, 1572, a pogrom against the Huguenots began in Paris. This slaughter of Protestants spread throughout most of France. Today there are around 3,000 murdered Huguenots in Paris and around 10,000 across the country.

Pope Gregory XIII was so touched by the news of the slaughter against the Huguenots that he had a commemorative coin minted. His portrait on the front and a fighting angel on the back, slaughtering the Huguenots with a sword. “Ugonottorum Strages 1572” (“The Defeat of the Huguenots 1572”) is the inscription. The Pope commissioned artist Giorgi Vasari to create three murals to commemorate the event. A party was organized.

Triggered mass exodus from Europe

The constant persecutions and murderous campaigns caused not only the Huguenots but also other Protestants to flee Europe ruled by Rome to the “New World” and also South Africa. This only happened if an expulsion had not already taken place. John Lord shows this in “Beacon Lights of History”, Vol. VI, page 325:

Beacon Lights of History - p325

The Jesuits are accused further of political intrigues; this is a common and notorious charge. They sought to control the cabinets of Europe; they had their spies in every country. The intrigues of Campion and Parsons in England aimed at the restoration of Catholic monarchs. Mary of Scotland was a tool in their hands, and so was Madame de Maintenon in France. La Chaise and Le Tellier were mere politicians. The Jesuits were ever political priests; the history of Europe the last three hundred years is full of their cabals. Their political influence was directed to the persecution of Protestants as well as infidels. They are accused of securing the revocation of the Edict of Nantes,–one of the greatest crimes in the history of modern times, which led to the expulsion of four hundred thousand Protestants from France, and the execution of four hundred thousand more.

Victim of the Inquisition

In the clutches of the Inquisition

In general, the Inquisition is a body designed to preserve Roman Catholic dogmas and investigate doctrines that deviate from them. The first Inquisition was commissioned by Pope Lucius III in 1184. Initially an internal investigation, because it concerned suspected heresy in their own dioceses. Pope Gregory IX first installed judges against “heretical corruption” in 1227. Most of the judges belonged to the Dominican and Franciscan orders.

In 1252, Pope Innocent IV granted permission to have laypeople “scrutinously questioned” the “stubborn heretics” during an inquisition. Torture had thus become the official method. One of the accused who was brought before the tribunal was left without a lawyer because they feared being accused of complicity in heresy. The defendant still had the option of contacting the Pope directly, provided the defendant had the necessary financial means to do so. Consulting a pope always comes with a cost. If the “heretic” admitted his guilt but did not recant, he was handed over to the secular authorities and burned at the stake.

The Inquisition received the status of a permanent ecclesiastical institution in the 15th century. It began with the Spanish Inquisition based on a papal bull from Pope Sixtus IV on November 1st, 1478. This meant that the Inquisition not only came over the Spanish Empire, but also into the Spanish territories in the “newly discovered” America. The Inquisition was only abolished in Spain in 1834. In Portugal, the institutional inquisitors raged between the years 1540 and 1821. From 1542, Rome also let its “investigators” loose on humanity in the territory of the Papal States.

The Roman Inquisition came to an end in 1965 when this institution was renamed simply the “Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith”. Today this Vatican authority, which still exists, calls itself the Dicastery for the Doctrine of the Faith. The current prefect of this Vatican institution is Curial Cardinal Victor Fernandez, an Argentine like his boss Pope Francis. Fernandez is also a member of the Vatican Ecumenical Authority. As the supreme guardian of uncompromising Roman doctrine, a particularly interesting connection. So anyone who believes that the Inquisition no longer exists is mistaken. Formerly “Raider”, now “Twix” (“Twix” used to be called “Raider” in Germany).

The term “heresy” gained popularity with the Inquisition and is now increasingly being used again by the Roman Catholic Church. Pope John Paul II declared people who do not sanctify Sunday heretics and the then prefect of the Congregation of the Faith, Joseph Cardinal Ratzinger, called for “appropriate punishment” for heretics. At the time of church rule, it was the “tradition” to burn alive people who were declared heretics, or, if there was “mercy”, to strangle the condemned beforehand.

The first Grand Inquisitor

The Inquisition started in France and then raged particularly in Italy, the “Holy Roman Empire” (“Germany”), Spain, Portugal, Poland, the Czech Republic and the Balkans. The first so-called Grand Inquisitor of Spain was Tomas de Torquemada. At the beginning, he alone was responsible for around 2,000 people being burned at the stake.

According to the “current count,” around 150,000 people were persecuted in the Spanish Inquisition alone and up to 5,000 of them were murdered.

When Vatican archives serve as a source

As usual, it is now very difficult if not impossible to obtain verified data about the actual number of victims. The Vatican only opened its archives on the Inquisition, which had previously been kept under lock and key, in 1998. It can be observed throughout that historical figures are generally corrected downwards, sometimes considerably, according to the “latest scientific findings”. There are, or were, only a few sources and archives and by far the largest part of them was in the hands of the Church of Rome.

The number of people murdered by the Spanish Inquisition alone varies between 30,000 and 300,000 victims. Other historians speak of millions of people. “Modern research” now speaks of “far fewer victims than expected.” The number of Muslims, Jews, “witches” and non-Catholics (automatically heretics) killed by the Roman Catholic Church through the Inquisition between the 13th and 19th centuries is much lower than previously assumed (Source).

Source of this scientifically based knowledge:
The Vatican Archives (!)

These archive finds also show that most executions were carried out by non-ecclesiastical courts. This may well be true, since in most cases the verdict of the Inquisition was handed over to the secular world for execution. By this criterion, relatively few people in history actually fell directly under the jurisdiction of the Inquisition. But even today the Church of Rome washes itself extensively in this feigned innocence, especially when the topic of ecumenism is on the agenda. It is often forgotten here that the Pope crowned the emperors and kings, appointing them and dismissing them as he saw fit. The papacy claimed the scepter and the apple, it held both swords in its hands.

The 30 Years’ War

When it comes to responsibility, the Thirty Years’ War between 1618 and 1648 is a gray area. There are always at least two parties involved in a war. In this case the Roman Catholic Church and the Protestant institutions or the converted sovereign. Depending on your perspective on history, the originators and motives of this war can vary greatly. In addition, some participants in the war did not have much to do with the struggle between the Church of Rome and Protestantism, but seized the opportunity to change the geopolitical issues to their advantage.

But let’s assume that the Roman Catholic Church had simply accepted the (justified) separation of the now Protestant churches as a painful loss (“tolerance”). Would there then have been a slaughter that lasted over three decades?

Roman provocation

The ultimate goal of the Jesuit order, founded in 1534 and approved by the Pope in 1540, was the destruction of Protestantism and the restoration of Rome’s original monopoly power. Even closer to the “ravages of time” than today with the “modified memories” of history was S.S. Schmucker, professor of theology at the “Theological Seminary” in Gettysburg, USA. In his book The Glorius Reformation, published in 1838, Schmucker wrote:

Need I speak to you of the thirty years‘ war in Germany, which was mainly instigated by the Jesuits, in order to deprive the Protestants of the right of free religious worship, secured to them by the treaty of Augsburg? Or of the Irish rebellion, of the inhuman butchery of about fifteen millions of Indians in South America, Mexico and Cuba, by the Spanish papists? In short, it is calculated by authentic historians, that papal Rome has shed the blood of sixty-eight millions of the human race in order to establish her unfounded claims to religious dominion.
(schmucker refers to Dr. Brownlees “Popery an Feind to Civil Liberty”, p. 105)

The Treaty of Augsburg referred to by the author concerns the so-called “Religious Peace of Augsburg” in 1555. A treaty that was only superficially balanced between the churches. One clause defined “Cuius regio, eius religio” (“Whose territory, whose religion”). The subjects of a duke, prince or king had to adopt the same religion as that of the ruler. A Protestant Saxon had to convert to a Catholic if the latter wanted to move to Bavaria, and vice versa. Sounds fair. But this wasn’t it. The masterfully scheming Jesuits therefore did not have to “proselytize” entire peoples, but only needed to change the local ruler’s mind or arrange things in such a way that the ruler was “released” to be replaced.

The church “wished” and the state carried out. Business as usual.

Devastated areas

Sylvester Hussell (1842-1928), Baptist in the USA and author of the book “History of the Church of God” (1886), also named the author of the Thirty Years’ War and also described the rough outline of the consequences. Page 507:

History of the Church of God - p507

This was the century of the last religious wars in ‘Christendom,’ the Thirty Years’ War in Germany, fomented by the Jesuits, reducing the people cannibalism, and the population of Bohemia from 4,000,000 to 780,000, and of Germany from 20,000,000 to 7,000,000, and making Southern Germany almost a desert, terminated by the Peace of Westphalia in 1648, securing a legal basis for Protestant rights on the continent of Europe;

Millions of victims

The gallows tree
The Gallows Tree – A scene from the 30 Years’ War

It is obvious that the Thirty Years’ War had no other purpose than to restore the hegemony of the Church of Rome. The motive and therefore the responsibility for the ongoing slaughter clearly points to the Roman Catholic Church.

The number of victims caused by the Thirty Years’ War varies between 3 and 9 million people. This is with a population of 15 to 20 million people. More concrete information assumes around 6 million victims, out of a population of around 18 million people in 1618 (Source). The 30 Years’ War wiped out around a third of lives. Died from direct violence, hunger, frost and disease.

Targeted war against Protestants

National, authentic testimonies prove that between 1540 and 1570 almost half a million Protestants were executed in public in various European countries. This only applies to the officially registered murders, but not to the victims of the murder parades carried out outside the ecclesiastical judiciary, for which records were never created.

A list by J.P. Callender

In “Illustration of Popery” J.P. Callender in 1838 describes how many Protestants fared under the tyranny of the Church of Rome. Page 400:

Illustration of Popery - Page 400

Since that apocalyptic period, the year -which includes ” the number of the Beast, six hundred threescore and six :” imperfect as are the records, the most profound historians have estimated that the number of Christians, who have been either directly or indirectly immolated to the barbarous and insatiable bloodthirsty voracity of the Roman Pontiffs, and the adherents of their inordinate tyranny, amounts to more than 50,000,000 of the human, family, or nearly forty-five thousand annually, throughout that long protracted duration.

Even since the Reformation in the sixteenth century, from the year 1540 to 1570, only thirty years, it is proved by national authentic testimony, that nearly one million of Protestants were publicly put to death in various countries in Europe, besides all those who were privately destroyed, and of whom no human record exists. Vergerius, an infuriated Popish historian, testifies with expressions of great satisfaction, that during the Pontificate of Pope Paul IV who issued the famous Bull, entitled, “Damnation of Elizabeth of England;” and who was seated in the pontifical throne but four years, “the Inquisition alone, by tortures, starvation, or the fire, murdered more than. 150;000 Protestants.

A number that contrasts with the Vatican’s “Sant’Ufficio” archive, which has only been publicly accessible since 1998. A “cleaning up” of the archive holdings during digitization and preparation for science cannot be ruled out.

Description by Sylvester Hassell

Sylvester Hassell shows an approximate picture of the massive persecution of Protestants by the Catholic and therefore Roman sovereigns in “History of the Church of God”, pages 516 and 517:

History of the Church of God - P516-517

In addition to the Jesuit or Catholic atrocities of this century already enumerated with some particulars, they massacred 400 Protestants at Grossoto, in Lombardy, July 19th, 1620 ; are said to have destroyed 400,000 Protestants in Ireland, in 1641, by outright murder, and cold, and hunger, and drowning; cruelly exiled 500 families of Waldenses in Piedmont, in 1601 ; most diabolically tortured, outraged and massacred 6,000 of the same poor people in 1655 ; and partly butchered, and partly imprisoned most foully, and banished most inhumanly, 12,000 of these inoffensive people of God in 1686, thousands of them being led like sheep to the slaughter because they would not bow down to the corrupting idolatries of Rome.

A brief summary

George Bourne offers a good summary of the diabolical activities of the Roman Catholic Church in “The American Textbook of Popery”, 1846, Philadelphia, USA:

The American Textbook of Popery - p410

Treason. The following paragraph from the ―Review of the principles and history of Popery‖ contains an accurate summary of Romanism, as it involves the interest and safety of Protestant governments and nations. ―Refractory princes who have
not been disposed to glut Rome‘s insatiable thirst with enough of Christian blood, or who have not assented to all the Papistical usurpations and arrogant claims, have experienced no mercy. The right of succession has been denied and
subverted, for the smallest personal taint of Anti-Romanism, or for the toleration of it in others;

The American Textbook of Popery - p411

and indescribable difficulties always were interposed against the rebellious ruler’s restoration to power, even after he had made every possible renunciation, and degraded himself to the most humiliating penances, and received the amplest pontifical absolutions. For suspected and actual heresy, sentence of excommunication and deposition was fulminated against governors, more than for any other causes. Treasonable plots, conspiracies, insurrections, and rebellions, were formed, promoted, executed, and by pretended pleas of religion were justified, delighted in, and eulogized. Those infernal proceedings were blasphemously ascribed to the inspiration of God, and when any success attended the scheme, it was imputed to the divine approval, and unquestionable miraculous interposition.

To execute those traitorous machinations, or to die in the attempt, was pronounced to be infallible proof of the most exalted piety, and the certain path to eternal felicity; entitling the actor to the honour of saintship, and the glorious crown of martyrdom. On the contrary, obedience and loyalty on the part of Papists to Protestant governments, are declared damnable sins, for which there is no pardon either in this world, or in eternity.

To convince the bigoted adherents of the Papacy, that all such treasons are works of pre-eminent piety, pretended prayers, discourses, sacraments, ecclesiastical censures, absolutions, oaths, and covenants, with all that is apparently sacred and imposing in religion, have been prostituted; and all that is exciting and fascinating in superstition has been effectually employed amongthe votaries of the Romish Priesthood, who are divested of every sentiment of religion, virtue, or humanity

The American Textbook of Popery - p412

The absolute duty of assassinating Protestant rulers, especially after sentence has been pronounced against them by the Pope, is constantly taught and vehemently proclaimed; with the most deliberate resolution, and after the most solemn preparations, that nefarious criminality has frequently been perpetrated; although it has more often been unsuccessfully attempted: but in all cases the remorseless murderers have been exalted in Popish estimation to the very highest honours: and some of them were worshipped with the same adoration which is performed to the Romish canonized saints.

The Vatican’s “repentance”.

In 2000, Pope John Paul II attempted a show of repentance on behalf of the Roman Catholic Church. In March 2000, the pontiff asked the public to apologize for the church’s past mistakes (Source).
We forgive and ask for forgiveness. We ask forgiveness for the divisions among Christians, for the violence that some have committed in the service of the truth, and for the suspicious and hostile attitude towards followers of other religions.

A slap in the face to every victim and their relatives. An “apology” that amounts to a mockery, but can in no way be considered real remorse. The regret of the “divisions among Christians” can still be accepted at this point, but the statement that “some used violence in the service of the truth” represents a hidden justification for these countless atrocities. If it were not for the great efforts of an ecumenical movement, this would be the case The last sentence about the hostile attitude towards followers of other religions has most likely been ignored.

A “blank apology”

The Vatican, “completely broken” by the past, also illustrated its “fervent repentance” with the help of the statement in “From Conflict to Community” from 2017. A joint letter from the Church of Rome and the Lutheran and Protestant churches about the “sin of separation ” and the intended explanation for the desired return to unification in the one “Body of Christ”. In position 234 it says:

In his message to the Reichstag in Nuremberg on November 25, 1522, Pope Hadrian VI complained about abuses and offenses, sins and mistakes, if they had been committed by church authorities. Much later – during the last century – Pope Paul VI asked God and the divided brothers of the East for forgiveness in his opening address to the second session of the Second Vatican Council. This gesture of the Pope found expression in Council 92, Chapter V itself, especially in the Decree on Ecumenism and in the Council Declaration on the Church’s Attitude to Non-Christian Religions Nostra Aetate“.

In other words: In 1522, Pope Hadrian VI had already admitted the church’s mistakes, if they had even been committed by those responsible for the church. That must be enough, even for the “mistakes” committed after 1522. The “real sin” of the church lies in separation and this must be eliminated.

You can’t really take all of this seriously!

Just a small excerpt

If the objection now comes, “yes, but the Protestants also have…!”.
Yes, the Protestant churches and their representatives cannot wash their hands innocence either. Martin Luther is also not an immaculate sheep, as are some other Protestants in his time and later. But this is not a question of a mutual outweighing of the victims caused, nor generally of the (former) Protestant churches, but of the crimes of the Roman Catholic Church.

The lists in this article are only a tiny excerpt from the sources, which are already decimated today. More than 1,600 years of terror cannot be conveyed in a few lines. In addition to the innumerable victims and the unspeakable suffering of the people due to the imposed Catholic paganism, there are also the further effects of the motives of this Roman Catholic institution. The insatiable greed for wealth and power and this since the beginnings of this successor organization to ancient Rome.

The chapter is not yet closed

Rotten apple
The fruits of the Church of Rome are rotten, rotten

The criminal energy developed for this and the ingenuity to enrich the Curia and also the individual participants is unprecedented. This diabolical character was carried out into the world with the crusades, the missionary work (especially by Jesuits from the 16th century) and with the “world explorers” on the high seas and their papal blessing. To the suffering of the indigenous peoples found there. Contempt for humanity, misery, robbery, murder, arson, genocide, all “in the name of Christ”. Well, which “Christ” (Info)?

The participants in ecumenism assert that the Church of Rome has changed in a positive sense. Really? What exactly? Has a single doctrine been revoked since the Middle Ages? Has even one law been weakened? The Inquisition is still the Inquisition today, even if this institution now has a different name.

The Church has not changed its nature in the least. Numerous traditions were only elevated to official dogma by this church in modern times. These include, for example, the “Immaculate Conception of Mary”, the “Assumption of Mary” and the “Infallibility of the Pope”. The Roman Catholic Church has not reduced its goals, its motives and methods, its character one bit. She can’t do that at all, because that would mean denying herself and thus her right to exist.

The perseverance with which the Church of Rome carries out its work of destruction is shown by the immense effort put into the learned ignorance of God’s commandments, especially the Fourth Commandment (Info).

The “mortal wound” (according to Revelation 13) inflicted on her in 1798 affected only one head, not the entire animal. This wound caused by the “copied sacrifice” of the head has long since healed. The world has been watching Rome “with astonishment” for some time. All that was missing was the official handover of the power of the individual “kings” of this earth to this animal and the scenario of the Middle Ages would be restored.

Revelation 17:5

Bible verses from King James Version

By their fruits you shall know them – Rome’s rotten fruit
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