The once Protestant churches are about to complete their rapid apostasy. The aim now, and this as soon as possible, is to celebrate the Eucharist together with the Roman Catholic Church. Bedford-Strohm would like this to happen as soon as possible.
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Common Eucharist desired
The cat is slowly coming out of the bag. Something that was once completely unthinkable is now actually to be realized and this as quickly as possible. If the Bavarian Bishop of the Evangelical Church in Bavaria, Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, had his way, communion should be celebrated together with the Catholic Church as soon as possible. The current moderator of the World Council of Churches (WCC) central committee told “” that he sees many links between the Evangelical and Roman Catholic churches. After all, the Church of Rome is a member of the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches. The Catholic Church is not yet a full member of the World Council of Churches.
Permanent sacrifice of Jesus is the declared goal

Bedford-Strohm wishes to overcome all existing institutional borders between the denominations. This applies in particular to “a common ground in receiving the Lord’s Supper, the Eucharist,” according to the evangelical bishop. “I hope that this will be as soon as possible.” The point here is not that the various traditions are “simply stirred into one sauce”, because these are based on the “great wealth” of the denominational traditions. Yet these traditions all led to “the one Lord Jesus Christ.” These traditions should therefore never be put in the first position, but must be understood as a pointer to the doors on the way to Jesus Christ. Therefore, according to Bedford-Strohm, there should no longer be any opposition, but rather a community for the testimony of Jesus Christ.
Pentecostal churches also welcome
The bishop and former chairman of the Evangelical Churches in Germany (EKD) claims to have discovered further similarities with the growing group of Pentecostal churches. In the meantime, old borders have been overcome. According to Bedford-Strohm, the Pentecostal churches, “which do not follow good-evil schemes or simple answers” but stand on a theological basis, have now entered into discussion with the World Council of Churches. They are getting closer to the World Council of Churches and there have already been “extremely exciting discussions”.
This is very important so that Europe’s churches also recognize that Christianity is a growing dimension worldwide.
Just before the completion of the apostasy

Things take their course. Bedford-Strohm already lumps the terms “Last Supper” and “Eucharist” into one pot, even if he doesn’t necessarily want to call this a “one-size-fits-all sauce”. It’s not just a sauce, but a unit. What has already been carried out for decades through the individual steps for the return of the once Protestant churches to the womb of Rome (more Infos) would then be concluded with the jointly celebrated Eucharist known as the “Communion”. If the term “Communion” does not disappear completely, it will only remain an empty shell. The Roman Catholic Church itself is incapable of apostasy, since at no point in its history has it stood on the basis of the gospel.

The apostasy of the churches is completed with the ritualized repeated common sacrifice of Jesus Christ (Mockery of Christ – more Infos). Afterwards, together with the Church of Rome, the forced implementation of the pantheistic alternative religion “Care of Creation” should be pursued. Pope Francis has now announced that he intends to expand his environmental encyclical “Laudato si'” (more Infos) with another letter. The pontiff is already on it.
There will only be the “good-evil schemes”.

Just as Bedford-Strohm thinks about “good-bad schemes”, he will also encounter those who cling strictly to the gospel and reject ecumenical activity. Initially the exclusion and then with extended consequences. With God’s word there is only “black and white thinking”, “good or bad”. There is no gray area. This was already clarified by Jesus Christ himself, Luke 11:23:
He that is not with me is against me: and he that gathereth not with me scattereth.
As simple as that!
False preachers and priests beware!
The last book of the Old Testament is the book of the prophet Malachi. He lived in the time of Judah’s extreme apostasy. Among other things, Malachi’s task was to announce God’s judgment on people who had become unfaithful. An emphasis is placed here on the fallen priests and preachers of a false gospel. The blunt language leaves no room for other interpretations. Malachi 2:1-11:
Bible verses from King James Version