With Advent, the “preparation” phase begins again. A light ritual from paganism for the introduction of another pagan festival on the occasion of the “sun god” Mithras.
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Preparing for the arrival of the light
Advent, Advent, a little light is burning. Like every year, Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas Day. The year 2023 is special because the 4th Advent coincides with Christmas Day. A shortened “anticipation” of the biggest consumer event of the year.
The term Advent means something like “arrival” and in its origin it indicates the impending birth of Christ. Today Advent also refers to the expected second coming of the Lord. Traditionally, another candle is lit on each Advent Sunday.
The origins of Advent

As usual, there is nothing to be found in the Bible about the Advent ceremony, nor about looking for brightly painted eggs at Easter time. It is therefore a tradition introduced by the Roman Catholic Church. The beginning of this is not entirely clear. At least it was determined in the Synod of Zaragoza (380 AD) that the week before Christmas should be used for spiritual preparation for Christmas. Participation in church meetings was linked to this.
110 years later, Gregory of Tours, who was declared “holy”, advised observing a period of daily fasting from the beginning of December until Christmas (Source). Advent became official with the establishment of this “spiritual preparation” as a component of the liturgy.
Pope Gregory “the Great” provided the template for this at the Council of Tours (567 AD). On this occasion, the Church declared the violation of celibacy to be heresy. The Advent ceremony was finalized by Pope Gregory VII at the Second Synod of Mâcon (581 AD).
Purely church traditions

Whether the details of the individual synods, councils and the dates are actually accurate is actually irrelevant. One thing is certain: Advent and its associated customs do not have a biblical origin, but are traditions introduced by the Roman Catholic Church. The festival of Easter goes back without any doubt to the pagan customs of fertility and the supreme “sun god” (Info). Therefore, it would not be surprising if the Church of Rome also expressed its pagan background in the preparation of the Christmas season.
Paganism to this day
A strong indication of the pagan origins of the Advent candle ceremony is Christmas itself. The birth of Jesus is apparently celebrated. There is nothing in the Bible about the date of His birth. But the Son of God, who came into this world as a human being, could not have been born in winter due to the circumstances. The period at the end of March or beginning of April is more likely.
What is certain is that the sun-worshipping pagans celebrated the winter solstice in addition to the summer solstice. The days that became longer again from the winter solstice were equated with the birth of the sun and this is reflected in the birth of the “sun god” Mithras. The “solus invictus” (“invincible sun”) had a birthday on December 25th.
A once prominent earthly representative of this sun god was Emperor Constantine. When he designated Sunday as the “Day of the Honorable Sun” in 321 AD, he still held the title “Pontifex Maximus” and was therefore also the highest legislator of religious matters. This title ultimately passed from Emperor Gratian to the Pope of the Roman Catholic Church.
Advent wreath is still “young”

The Advent wreath shows that old pagan customs do not necessarily have to be a tradition for hundreds of years. This only spread less than 200 years ago. In Munich, the first Advent wreath hung in the St. Sylvester Church around 150 years ago. It didn’t take long for the church to consecrate the Advent wreaths before they were used.
The “inventor” of the Advent wreath in the spirit of the pre-Christmas season was the Protestant theologian Johann Hinrich Wichern in 1839. However, his original Advent wreath was a wagon wheel with 24 candles. 20 small red candles for each day of the week and 4 large white candles for each Sunday. A wreath of lights that was supposed to symbolize Jesus Christ as the light coming into the world.
Wreath of lights from northern Germany
These wreaths of lights are already known in paganism in northern Germany. They served as a defensive spell against evil forces on the occasion of the winter solstice (“Yule Festival”). The Roman Catholic Church would not be itself if it did not fill the Advent season with a wealth of other customs that are far removed from the Gospel.
The first Sunday of Advent is dedicated to the return of Jesus. The 2nd Sunday of Advent focuses on John the Baptist. The 3rd Sunday of Advent serves as a call to anticipation, also in relation to the messages of John the Baptist. “Of course” the 4th Sunday of Advent is dedicated to “Mary, Mother of God”. The “Mary Conception” festival takes place every December 8th. Mary, the disguised worship of the “goddess” Isis (Info).
Since a pregnancy lasts 9 months and, according to tradition, Jesus was born on December 25th, this day of conception doesn’t exactly make sense. It doesn’t have to be, after all, it is a determination of the Roman Catholic Church.
Paganism is the origin of things

Since Jesus Christ could not have been born in the winter month of December, this Christmas is not only a pseudo-Christian festival of pagan origin, but also the phase for the so-called “spiritual preparation”. Advent wreaths or wreaths of light have their origins in paganism. December 25th is the celebrated birthday of the “Sun God” Mithras (Info). The sun rising again after overcoming the phase of increasingly shorter days.
The Protestant churches have also jumped on this pagan bandwagon and explain the (puny) Advent candles as a symbol of the light of Jesus. In the Bible the object candle does not exist, neither in an alternative form nor as a symbol of light. The oil lamps literally used in the Bible simply had the purpose of illuminating dark rooms.
The most famous oil lamp is the seven-branched menorah in the temple or tabernacle (Info). In the spiritual sense the Holy Spirit, in the practical sense it is light in the interior.
Other inconsistencies
It wasn’t even the “3 Holy Kings” from the East who visited Jesus Christ. The Bible knows nothing about this. Scripture describes “wise men from the East” (Matthew 2:1). Their number is not mentioned at all, nor are the names “Caspar, Melchior and Balthasar”. There is also nothing to be found in the Bible about a “Saint” Nicholas. Except the condemnation of the actions of the Nicolaitans by Jesus Christ (Revelation 2:6,15). The common Saint Nicholas is just one of the countless figures of the Roman Church who have been declared “saints”.
Krampus is still known in the south of Germany and also in Austria. The reason for extensive beating actions on December 5th. A figure completely unknown to writing. Then there is Santa Claus in the USA. In the States, a figure that was largely shaped by Coca Cola. The idea behind the word “Santa” is speculation. At least it only takes a slight change to form the word “Satan”.
A complete mess

The entire “Christmas package” is a pure product of Roman Catholic paganism disguised as Christianity. Continued by the Protestant churches and long since passed over as a custom. This is shown by the “Christ Child” originally introduced by Martin Luther. His response to the rejection of the so-called saints. Today this fantasy figure is very popular in the Roman Church in southern Germany, of all places.
A beloved mess of paganism, customs and some parts of the gospel. That’s what happens when you leave the Word of God even by an inch.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Matthew 5:19
Bible verses from King James Version