Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Adoring Mary was even recognized as wrong by the Roman Church



Mary occupies an extremely high position in the church of Rome. The Bible does not give any information that even a thought of prayer should be addressed to them. The Roman Catholic Church also knows this, but still teaches the exact opposite.

Catholic Mary – Inviolable “Saint”

Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ, is almost deified in the Roman Catholic Church. Secretly she is a “goddess” in this church, but people don’t dare say this out loud because of the ecumenism they strive for (Info). Since Mary is the mother of Jesus, she is automatically the “Mother of God” and today also the “Queen of Heaven”. She herself could not bring salvation, but she was still a co-redeemer, since her intercessions with Jesus Christ ensured that the Savior would then exercise his grace because of her cooperation.

None of this can be found in the Bible. A pure tradition within the church of Rome. This also includes the concept of Mary’s immaculateness, her eternal virginity and her physical ascension.

Splitting hairs as justification

Mary – Mother in Little Mithras’ Grotto

What doesn’t appear that way in German is seen as splitting hairs in English. In English a distinction is made between “whorshipping”, “praying” and “adoring”. The difference between worshiping and venerating. In German, “whorshipping” and “praying” are almost the same as worshiping. So it is common practice that the arguments of Mary-worshiping Catholics in English are that one merely “prays” to Mary, but this is only “praying” and not “whorshipping”. The latter belongs to God.

However, this clearly failed due to the characteristic of humans, who, as a living being, IS the soul, but does not have a soul that separates from the body after death and continues to exist (Info). Furthermore, Mary disappears almost without a song or sound in the accounts of the Bible. Nothing is reported about her death or whereabouts. Lots of space to create new stories. This is exactly what the Roman Catholic Church did.

The Church of Rome even tells the truth

As usual, the truth on this topic can be found even in the ranks of the agitators of the nonsense being told. The Roman Catholic Church knows full well that there are the first two commandments as described in Exodus 20. Having no other god and an absolute ban on making any image or figure of anything, much less prostrating yourself before it to worship it. This is clear from their own writings. In this case in the “Catholic Encyclopedia”, Volume 4, page 153.

Catholic Encyclopedia B

The Supreme Law-Giver begins by proclaiming His name and His Titles to the obedience of the creature man: “I am the Lord, thy Got…” The laws which follow have regard to God and His representatives on earth (first four) and to our fellow-man (last six). Being the one true God, He alone is to be adored, and all rendering to creatures of the worship which belongs to Him falls under the ban of His disdemned: not all pictures, images, and works of art, but such as are intended to be adored and served (First).

You have to let it melt in your mouth. It is clear that no images or figures are allowed to be adored. But what does the Church teach its misled flock according to the Catechism? This is what canon 2679 says:
Mary is the perfect Orans (pray-er), a figure of the Church. When we pray to her, we are adhering with her to the plan of the Father […] The prayer of the Church is sustained by the prayer of Mary and united with it in hope.

As with the quality of the soul, this church knowingly teaches the opposite of what the Bible actually says on this point.

Commandments of a “Saint”

It is also noticeable that the Church of Rome knows exactly that the first four commandments concern the relationship with God and the other six commandments concern the coexistence of people. But if you look at this church’s official list of the 10 commandments, this doesn’t add up. There are only 3 commandments relating to the relationship with God and 7 commandments for dealing with one’s neighbor (Info).

However, the Church of Rome is “friendly” enough to give an explanation for this discrepancy. Also in the “Catholic Encyclopedia”, Volume 4, page 153, you can find:

Catholic Encyclopedia C

The system of numeration found in Catolic Bibles is based on the Hebrew Text, was made by St. Augustine (fifth century) in his book of “Questions on Exodus”, and was adopted by the Council of Trent. It is followed also by the German Lutherans.

So a list of the 10 commandments based on a “saint” instead of the description in Exodus 20 or Deuteronomy 5. And yes, the (formerly) Protestant churches have adopted this obvious falsification of God’s 10 commandments. This means that the Church of Rome has justifiable reason to beat its chest with pride because the Protestant churches recognized the authority of the Roman Church by adopting these forgeries. And this claims nothing less than that its traditions are above the Bible (Info).

Changing the Sabbath – With a swollen chest

The topic of Sabbath is a constant topic. As early as the formation of the first community in Rome (and Alexandria), a rejection of the biblical Sabbath emerged. Instead, the first day of the week (“Sunday”) should be sanctified. Paul warned that the “lawless one” is already at work. This was in his time, i.e. in the first century (2 Thessalonians 2:7). The Sabbath, the Fourth Commandment, was fought from the beginning by this increasingly powerful community in Rome and the Sabbath will also be THE theme at the “crowning conclusion” of the approximately 6,000-year drama on earth (Info).

The Church of Rome is also “open and honest” about moving the Sabbath (“Saturday”) to the first day of the week (“Sunday”).

Catholic Encyclopedia A

The Church, on the other hand, after changing the day of rest from the Jewish Sabbath, or seventh day of the week, to the first, made the Third Commandment refer to Sunday as the day to be kept holy as the Lord’s Day. The Council of Trent (Session VI, canones xix) condemns those who deny that the Ten Commandments are binding on Christians.

The Second Commandment merged with the First Commandment, designated the Sabbath of the Bible as Jewish and moved it from the first day to the first day. Add to that the condemnation for those who wanted to follow the Bible and not the rules of the church. As history shows, condemnation is synonymous with persecution, torture and murder.

Thomas Aquinas finally described it in his work “summa theologiae” that although pagans should not be forced to believe, those who once believed and fell away from it should, if necessary, be forced to do so with physical violence to fulfill the promise made. The cynicism is found in the fact that this church was already baptizing infants (more nonsense, justified by next nonsense, original sin). With this baptism the infant made his promise and stood in faith. So there was no way out. Either you submit to this church or you die.

The truth is told – the lie is followed

The lie is more likely to be accepted than the truth

You can twist and turn it however you want. As usual, even the agitators of sheer nonsense tell the truth at some point. It is up to man himself to sit down to follow this trail of truth. It is obvious that the Church of Rome knows the truth of the Bible, but deliberately teaches the opposite. It is obvious that these false teachings only come to fruition because people are too comfortable, allow themselves to be lulled by the magnificently prepared liturgy of lies and submit to the “authority” of the priest.

The Catholic Church itself declares in its encyclopedia that worshiping anyone or anything besides God is absolutely forbidden according to the Bible. But she still teaches the opposite, especially in relation to Mary.

One only needs to multiply the lie, embellish it and repeat it often enough until this untruth is accepted as a truth. Indeed, this lie has been internalized to such an extent that one zealously supports the persecution of those who point out the truth (of the Bible).

“Normopathy”, a traditional disease in human society. Aligning one’s own behavior with an actual or even apparent majority opinion in order not to fall out of character in an unpleasant way. This is despite the fact that the lie behind it is clearly stated and can be seen with one’s eyes closed.

Individualism is required here and not the “spirit of the common good”. The individualist has been declared one of the archenemies by the papacy (Info).

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved. And for this cause God shall send them strong delusion, that they should believe a lie: That they all might be damned who believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness.
2. Thessalonicher 2,10-12

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

Adoring Mary was even recognized as wrong by the Roman Church
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