With the Working Group of Christian Churches in Germany (ACK), a colorful mix of different church institutions overloaded with traditions has come together. Together they celebrate a commonality with a Christian flavor, but in reality they celebrate the guidelines of Rome.
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ACK founded shortly after World War II
The Working Group of Christian Churches in Germany (ACK) was founded a little more than 70 years ago. This association, founded on March 10, 1948, is a symptom of the final apostasy already announced in the Bible.
“Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;” (2 Thessalonians 2:3).
The focus is on the unification of the different denominations with their different traditions and erroneous teachings. At the front is the Roman Catholic Church. The message of the gospel plays only a minor role and serves only as cosmetic for a Christian veneer.
Freed from the gospel

The current chairman of the ACK is the Orthodox Arch priest Radu Constantin. On the occasion of the 70th anniversary since the founding of the ACK, Constantin did not use a suitable verse from the Bible, but kept a saying by Johann Wolfgang v. Goethe for aptly: “Anyone who knows themselves and others will also recognize here: Orient and Occident can no longer be separated”.
The choice of this quote is somehow understandable. An excellent example from the Bible that well describes the practices and goals of ecumenism concerns the “first great hunter before the Lord,” Nimrod. His goal was to unite humanity into one. For this purpose, Nimrod planned to build a high tower in the city of Babel, which he had built, as his symbol of rebellion against God. Nimrod, also called the “first tyrant,” almost achieved his goal. But God thwarted his plans by completely confusing the languages. At that time, shortly after the flood, people got off relatively lightly. However, the conclusion drawn by God will have completely different consequences.
The focus of the ACK:
The focus of the ACK is not on the Word of God. How is this supposed to be possible given the colorful mix of different institutions overloaded with tradition? If the Roman Catholic Church is also involved, then the gospel is only on the sidelines and only for the purpose of a Christian facade. The real focus of this working group is easy to recognize just from the “Ecumenism Prize”, which is awarded every two years.
In 2023, the ACK will again be awarding a prize for the “smartest ideas” in the areas of “social justice, climate justice, fair distribution of resources” and measures against “violence, discrimination and racism”. All topics that are also excessively served by the secular world. In principle, this prize could also have been awarded for the best realization of Pope Francis’ two encyclicals “Laudato si‘” and “Fratelli Tutti”.
Daniel predicted it
It is obvious. The working group pursues the goals of Rome, entirely according to the principles of Nimrod and Charlemagne. But the two feet and the 10 toes of the statue described in Daniel 2 are made of a mixture of iron and clay. The iron (Rome) has its destructive strength, but when mixed with clay it is an overall unstable structure. Just as Daniel suggests that the kingdom will be divided, the “unity” within the fictional structure of the European Union is not exactly warm either. This condition will last until the end. What follows is a rock detached by a non-human hand, which will shatter not only the feet but also the entire statue. Not even a pile of dust remains. Shortly beforehand, as John describes it to us in Revelation 17, the kings will recognize the deception and will be enraged against Rome. But it is too late.
Members of the ACK Germany
– Working Group of Anglican Episcopal Churches in Germany.
– Working Group of Mennonite Congregations in Germany
– Armenian Apostolic Orthodox Church in Germany
– Ethiopian Orthodox Church in Germany
– Federation of Evangelical Free Churches in Germany (Baptists)
– Federation of Free Evangelical Churches in Germany
– The Salvation Army in Germany
– Evangelical Old Reformed Church in Lower Saxony
– United Methodist Church
– Evangelical Brethren Unit / Moravian Church
– Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD)
– Catholic Diocese of Old Catholics in Germany
– Coptic Orthodox Church in Germany
– Mülheim Association of Free Church Evangelical Congregations
– Orthodox Bishops’ Conference in Germany
– Roman Catholic Church
– Independent Evangelical Lutheran Church
– Syrian Orthodox Church of Antioch in Germany
Guest members of the ACK Germany:
– Apostleship of Jesus Christ
– Apostolic Community
– Federation of Free Church Pentecostal Communities in Germany
– Seventh-day Adventist Church
– Free Church Union of the Church of God
– Church of the Nazarene
– New Apostolic Church
Observers of the ACK Germany:
– Working group of Ecumenical Circles e.V.
– Christian Council
– Evangelical Alliance Germany
– Evangelical Mission Worldwide (EMW)
– Religious Society of Friends (Quakers)
The memberships in the respective regional ACK associations are compiled accordingly.
(as of March 2023)
ACK is determined by Rome

Membership in the ACK is a solidarity with Rome. Any church that is a full member of this ecumenical body operates as what the Bible calls the “false prophet” (see Revelation 13). He erects an “image” of the beast (Rome) and causes people to worship the beast and his image. If the member church of the ACK sees itself as a good daughter of Rome, it is of course part of this game.
The guest membership shows a keen interest in taking part in this activity. Even the status as an observer is as superfluous as a goiter. “You will recognize them by their fruits” and this is already evident from the publications and actions of this working group. If you want to observe, you don’t have to sit at the same table. The fall of Protestantism has long been completed.
“Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?” (2 Corinthians 6:14)
“And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.” (Ephesians 5:11)
ACK Germany has also signed the “Charta Oecumenica”. A set of rules for the desired unity of the “Christian churches” – Info.
Bible verses from King James Version