Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Abolition of 10 Commandments would be the abolition of God



The alleged abolition of God’s commandments would be tantamount to the abolition of God. Love cannot be separated from God. Actually a paradox. Today’s theology talks almost exclusively about God’s love, but completely denies it.

Misunderstood laws

The dilemma surrounding lumping together the Ceremonial Commandments and the 10 Commandments appears to be cemented. When Jesus Christ said in Matthew 5:17 that He fulfilled the law, this is primarily understood as a fulfillment in the sense of abolition. It was enough to simply read the immediately next verse 18. At this point at least doubts must arise as to whether the laws (10 Commandments) can actually be abolished. The fundamental difference between the commandments of God (10 Commandments) and the so-called Mosaic laws (ceremonial laws, statutes) is sufficiently clarified in the Gospel (Info).

Why abolition 10 Commandments excluded?

God’s commandments are not difficult

God created a world in perfect harmony. The creation account shows only a rough outline of the size and appearance of the earth in its original state. Even today, when creation, after thousands of years of degeneration, is now closer to standby than alive, nature still offers scenes that can take your breath away. What must the earth once have looked like and what will the new earth look like?

Such a perfectly created world is tuned down to the smallest detail. A fact that even secular scientists get a headache about, since the slightest deviation in the known laws of physics would make the current world look completely different. The physical laws of nature are fixed, unchangeable. They exist regardless of whether they have already been discovered or formulated, whether one believes in them or not. A constant, because God has established these laws. Just imagine if gravity came up with the idea of ​​simply making its force work differently. The world would either implode or explode.

Wouldn’t God intervene here if one of the laws of nature suddenly developed a life of its own that would endanger the existence of the perfect world? In addition to matter subject to the laws of nature, God also created living beings. In contrast to dead objects and physical quantities, people have free will. However, these are also in this perfectly coordinated world. Only free will makes the love possible, which creatures also receive from their creator. A “programmed” love would only have an appearance, but would not be real love.

Free will – still rules

Allow freedom of choice, but within a certain framework. This framework is defined by rules that are necessary in a perfectly created world in order not to destroy harmony. But if you look at these rules in the right light, you can see that this set of rules is not a ruler’s standard work, but is actually a reflection of God’s love. Just those 10 commandments.

Commandments reflect God’s love

The love of God can be known by the nature He created (Romans 1:20). Not to be confused with an imagined divinity of nature. God himself is not in nature, that is pantheism, but He stands above it. The love for His created world, including man, is so great that God gave His only begotten Son to save this world (John 3:16).

The created world is an expression of God’s love, and therefore His commandments are also an expression of His love. Everything exists because of His love, because God IS love.

Seen in a different light

Another light on God’s plan of salvation

Wouldn’t it then be obvious that these commandments that represent God’s love and the reciprocation of the same love are not even questioned? In our fallen world indoctrinated by the adversary, not at all. However, 1 John 5:3:
“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”

Man cannot be justified by keeping the 10 Commandments. Without faith this is completely pointless. Without faith, God’s laws even produce wrath (Romans 4:15). Those who do not have faith even feel compelled by the commandments. This is reflected in statements such as, “my God is a God of love. Laws only come from dictators. My God gave me all freedom and therefore I can do whatever I want. I do love“.

Such a position is clear evidence that this person did not really recognize God or Jesus Christ (1 John 2:4). And it’s not difficult to see what spirit is actually behind it.


John 14:15:
“LIf ye love me, keep my commandments.”. Instead of “10 Commandments,” one could also speak of “10 Reflections of God’s Love.”

Commandments 1 to 4 describe the relationship between man and God. Commandments 5 to 10 concern living together with other people (Info). It is not for nothing that the relationship between Jesus Christ and His people is described in the Gospel as the relationship between the bridegroom and his bride. A relationship of loyalty and trust. This relationship is shown in the first four commandments.

Anyone who claims that the 10 Commandments have been abolished is also claiming that God has been abolished. And with that the entire creation and only thought through to the end, it immediately abolishes itself. Anyone who has love for their Creator and also for their fellow human beings does not need to “force” themselves to comply with the 10 Commandments. As Jesus Christ also described on the basis of His “commandments of love” , love for God and love for one’s neighbor are the fulfillment of the law, so it does not even occur to such a person that God is unfaithful and his fellow human beings are unfaithful in some way wanting to harm.

No limitless love of God

Justice not in focus

God is a God of the living and not of the dead (Mark 12:27). That’s why God’s love can only apply to the living. When we talk about the dead here, we are talking about the condition described in Revelation 20:14 as the “second death.” The eternal separation from God, the final non-existence. Hell, as depicted as an eternally burning and tormenting place, does not exist at all (Info).

When people who call themselves Christians are lost, it is largely because they were unwilling to know the truth. The lack of love for the truth and the resulting exchange of God’s love into senseless emotional pining and false love frenzy. Anyone who violates, ignores or willfully violates even one of the 10 commandments, whether intentionally or through alleged abolition, only proves that they did not recognize the love of God and did not want to know anything about God’s justice (Info).

And with all deceivableness of unrighteousness in them that perish; because they received not the love of the truth, that they might be saved.
2 Thessalonians 2:10

Bible verses from King James Version (1611)

Abolition of 10 Commandments would be the abolition of God
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