Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

A now hopeless mess in favor of disobedience



The confusion of key terms and circumstances has become enormous. Commandments, laws, ceremonial laws, living under grace, abolished laws, valid commandments, impossible-to-keep commandments, new covenant, etc., are almost always misunderstood or misinterpreted. But the bottom line is always the same: the refusal to submit to God and to keep His statutes. Obedience allergy.

A big mess

The Christian now lives under the grace of Jesus and is not obliged to keep the commandments. These were nailed to the cross anyway and are far too difficult to be kept at all. It is precisely for this reason that Jesus made a new covenant and thereby overruled the rules of the Old Testament. These kinds of theses are common in evangelical Lutheran circles.

A mixture of false claims and completely wrong interpretation. Yes, man lives under grace, and yes, Jesus made a new covenant. But what does this really mean and, above all, what is the deal with the laws and “living under grace”?

The clear gospel made completely complicated

The claim that the 10 Commandments of God were nailed to the cross with the crucifixion of Jesus and thus abolished is fundamentally wrong. This fatal misunderstanding is based on the lack of distinction between the commandments of God (10 Commandments) and the so-called Laws of Moses (ceremonial laws). The serious difference lies in the nature of both sets of laws. The 10 Commandments, written in stone by God personally, describe sin. Anyone who violates one of these laws has sinned. The ceremonial laws represent the case of sin that has already been committed. Exactly these ceremonial laws were actually abolished with the crucifixion of Jesus. More information here.

Nonsense is actually clear

Living under grace does not mean that you can do whatever you want, because you are completely pardoned at all times. Anyone who interprets it this way could also commit murder and manslaughter, theft and robbery, lie and cheat without ever having to face any consequences. At least that would be the logical conclusion and just looking at it shows the complete nonsense.

Others excuse their lawlessness with the argument, “yes, the laws were once written on stone tablets, but they are now written in people’s hearts.” Actually the height of nonsense. No longer on stone, but in one’s own heart is actually the opposite of what is made of this situation. If God’s laws are now in one’s own heart, then they cannot be brought any closer or even more into effect.

In connection with laws written in the heart, the claim that the laws cannot be kept at all is all the more serious. It is astonishing that these people are not aware of this discrepancy at all. It is just what it is: the inner rejection of any obedience to God. It is only lived out in this way and justified with such excuses. At this point it is impressively made clear that man can walk in two areas. Either with the spirit of God or with the spirit of his adversary. There is nothing else or anything “in between”. Either, or.

Living under grace

The grace under which (believing) people now live can also be easily connected with Jesus’ statement in Matthew 8:22:
But Jesus said unto him, Follow me; and let the dead bury their dead.

In context, Jesus Christ said this to a prospective follower. The follower wanted to quickly bury his recently deceased father. But the follower should not spend time on this. The statement is clear. Anyone who does not follow Jesus is counted among the “dead”, anyone who follows Jesus is the “living”. He has passed from death to life, John 5:24:
Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but is passed from death unto life.

Now the objection could be raised that every person has to die anyway. So what is the difference? Jesus Christ clearly distinguishes between “death” and “earthly death”. Dying as a person who once lived on earth does not (immediately) lead to the death that Jesus Christ meant. It is the sleep of the soul. Jesus made this clear using the example of the deceased Lazarus. “Lazarus is sleeping,” were Jesus’ words. His disciples had misunderstood this and assumed that it was an actual “little sleep.” But Jesus replied, “Lazarus has died.” “The Death” is the so-called second death, clearly mentioned in Revelation 20:14, for example. This is the final, irrevocable death. Non-existence after extinction.

A lack of (real) love

commandments of love
Love, but properly understood

Laws that cannot be upheld, but death is deserved if people do not keep these laws. What is that supposed to mean? What kind of God would that be if it were actually true? Such a claim clearly reflects the tongue of the serpent. It is his main accusation against God. “He is unjust, arbitrary, a tyrant. It is impossible to keep the laws.” Let’s be honest. Which of the 10 commandments could actually cause problems for people? They simply cannot stop stealing, robbing, murdering, cheating, lying, envying, worshiping idols, etc.?

In such a case, if there is even one commandment that “cannot” be kept, then there is a lack of love, 1 John 5:3:
“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”

When the Bible speaks of love, it has nothing to do with romance, eroticism and languishing (Info). Just as a side note, with a reminder of the emotional believers from the ranks of the Pentecostals and other charismatic people.

There is “actually” only one consequence for sin

10 Commandments
The 10 Commandments written in stone are unchangeable

Living under grace means nothing other than that, with the help of the Holy Spirit, one CAN have the ability to live according to God’s will, i.e. His regulations. This in terms of the ability and the time required for character change. Otherwise it would be “okay” if one dropped dead on the spot after the first transgression of one of God’s commandments, because Romans 6:23:
“For the wages of sin is death”

Since God, unlike His adversary (and his earthly vassals and helpers), takes man’s free will fully into account, it is up to man himself to decide for or against God. Whoever decides for God finds the way to Him exclusively through Jesus Christ.

I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.
John 14:6

Bibelverse aus Schlachter 2000

A now hopeless mess in favor of disobedience
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