Commandments mean obedience and this is equivalent to submission. Many who call themselves Christians see God’s laws as abolished and others consider the commandments to be unobservable. All strange justifications that only cover up a rebellion.
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Suspected of allergy
In the Evangelical Lutheran world of all places, the thesis has spread that God’s laws no longer need to be adhered to. As a rule, no distinction is made between ceremonial laws (abolished) and moral laws (10 commandments, valid). It has now gotten to the point where keeping the 10 Commandments, not because you just have to, but out of your own desire, triggers an allergy in many people. Anyone who lumps ceremonial laws and moral laws together has the problem of not being able to correctly assess the situation (Info).
Rejection in strange forms
Even knowledge of the separate status of the 10 Commandments does not prevent one from expressing idiosyncratic theses. “Obedience? No, not required. We are saved by grace. We have free will, so we can do whatever we want. It is allowed,” said some voices. Other voices claim that the commandments were formulated so that we can recognize that we cannot keep them at all. This is not only the snake’s tongue, but also quite confusing.
“God set up the unobservable laws so that people are guaranteed to stumble over them and are therefore certainly condemned to death. This made the heroic appearance of Jesus Christ possible,” is a result if you just think it through. p>
Many people also seem to have the idea that God once strolled through the universe, discovered this planet with intelligent life and immediately imposed himself as God. “Now I’m in charge here!” However, that is not the case. This can be clearly seen in Genesis 1.
Actually easy to understand
Jesus Christ Himself said (before His crucifixion) in John 14:15:
“If ye love me, keep my commandments.”
John confirmed this (after the crucifixion and ascension) in 1 John 5:3:
“For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.”
Another reference can be found in the last and “latest” book of the Bible, Revelation 14:12:
“Here is the patience of the saints: here are they that keep the commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus.“
What the 10 Commandments (Exodus 20) are is written here
Whoever loves me keeps my commandments, according to Jesus Christ. In other words, anyone who actually loves me will wholeheartedly want to adhere to these (few) rules for a life together in harmony and balance.
These 10 commandments cannot be kept? What commandments should these be that could push people beyond their limitations?
Clear edge
Anyone who worships other gods, bows down to images and figures, worships and venerates them, gives other things a higher priority than God, makes fun of God, disregards God’s beatified and holy day (7th day, Sabbath – Info) and tramples on it kicks, disrespects his parents, kills other people, constantly cheats on his spouse or other people with their spouses, leads a double life as a shoplifter, constantly drags colleagues and neighbors through the mud and is jealous of his neighbor is, about the brand new car, he definitely has a moral problem according to the standards of God our Creator.
Jesus Christ was a model example
Is there really a commandment that is impossible to keep? There are even commandments that are also formulated in this form in man-made criminal law. What would the judge say if the thief said it was impossible for him to keep the law because it could not be kept?
Keeping the 10 Commandments is love for God and love for your neighbor. Preached also by Jesus Christ as the actual norm, the actual should state. What’s so hard about it? Unless one prefers to live in rebellion against God because the lifestyle seems chic, trendy, cool and convenient. Jesus Christ as a human being gave the ultimate proof that the 10 Commandments can be kept.
If a man say, I love God, and hateth his brother, he is a liar: for he that loveth not his brother whom he hath seen, how can he love God whom he hath not seen?
1 John 4:20
Bible verses from King James Version (1611)