The last words of our Lord Jesus Christ on the cross are recorded in the gospels of Mark, Luke and John. With a total of seven statements, the character of Jesus is clarified on the one hand and prophecies in the Old Testament are fulfilled on the other.
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Jesus’ last words on the cross at Calvary

The last words of Jesus on the cross were not just any utterances related to the situation, but are, among other things, also the fulfillment of previous prophecies. With the apostles Mark, Luke and John there are 3 present who bear witness to the final words of Jesus Christ.
Mark 15:34
Jesus Christ Himself was blameless. But He took all the guilt of mankind upon Himself and was thus made sin Himself. Sin separates from God (the Father) and this was accomplished in Jesus Christ. The time indication “ninth hour” according to the counting method of that time corresponds to 3 p.m. today.
Luke 23:34
The almost limitless love, humility and grace of Jesus is impressively illustrated here. The casting of lots for the garment is another fulfillment of prophecy.
Luke 23:43
This statement seems to contradict a later resurrection of the dead (there is no immortal soul). But the punctuation, e.g. in German, took place long after it was written down in the basic Greek text of the New Testament. In the basic text, the word “σημερον” (semeron) stands for “today” and can also mean “now, yet” in addition to “today”. So the statement actually reads: “I tell you now: You will be with me in paradise!”.
Luke 23:46
This statement makes it clear that the LORD Jesus Christ is God who became man. He commands His spirit. Other editions of the Bible translate this statement as “Into your hands I put my spirit”. However, this does not change the fact that “παρατιθεμαι” (paratithemai), i.e. “to command, to arrange” can be found in the basic Greek text.
John 19:26-27
There are no clear statements in the Bible about the “favorite disciple of Jesus”. However, some Bible passages indicate that it could be John, the author of the Gospel of John. Jesus Christ entrusted the care of Mary to him.
John 19:28
Centuries before His crucifixion there was prophecy that the future Savior would have vinegar and water to drink: “And they gave me gall for food, and vinegar to drink in my thirst.” (Psalm 69:22)
John 19:30
God’s work of salvation is fulfilled (finished). With the atoning death of Jesus, the way to salvation was opened to mankind despite their fallen nature. God already announced this in the Garden of Eden when He said to the serpent after the first fall: “And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.” (Genesis 3:15)
Bible verses from King James Version