Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

The “Final” Mark of the Beast – Saturday vs. Sunday


There are numerous rumors and speculations surrounding the mark of the beast. Is it a barcode, an implanted chip, or something else entirely? The Bible as a whole describes a spiritual battle between good and evil. It therefore stands to reason that the mark of the beast also contains a spiritual aspect and is not something visible or invisible on the body.

Church maintains Sunday as a tradition

The 10 Commandments of God are unchangeable

The 10 Commandments of God according to Exodus 20:3-17 was written by God in stone. Immutable, not even a tittle. The unspeakable interpretation of an “abolished law” based on the New Covenant does not change that. This may be wishful thinking, but not according to the “eternity clause” in the gospel.

“The believers in the New Covenant are no longer subject to these laws,” according to a very widespread thesis. A big mistake. Because sin is defined by the violation of the law and if there were no more law, then sin would no longer exist either. Without law, there can be no court. Without law there can be no justice practiced. In addition, the following statements from Jesus Christ are also unmistakable:

Matthew 5:17:
“Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

However, this verse is often used to interpret the “fulfillment of the law” as the abolition of the law. Anyone who argues in this way would also have to ask themselves what tasks an official would still have the next day if he or she “fulfilled” his or her duty today. This interpretation is only possible if the immediately next verse is simply ignored. Otherwise the validity of God’s laws becomes clear.
Matthew 5:18: “For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.”

Could it be any clearer? Not really. The next verse further clarifies the validity of the law.
Matthew 5:19: “Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.”

Even the last few strokes of the Bible show that the laws are still valid and must be observed. Revelation 22:14:
“Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city.”

Paul also said more than clearly that the laws were not abolished. Romans 3:31:
“Do we then make void the law through faith? God forbid: yea, we establish the law.”

4th commandment – Sanctification of the Sabbath

The claim that the laws of God are abolished can easily be refuted. This means that all 10 commandments still apply without restriction. A literal central law of this is the 4th commandment (Exodus 20:8):
“Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.”..

Due to the falsification of the 10 Commandments by the Catholic Church and also adopted by the Protestant Churches, this law is listed as the 3rd Commandment (Info). The churches simply added the 2nd commandment (images, figure worship, etc.) to the 1st commandment and almost veiled it in silence. The “Sabbath” also became a simple “holiday” and this was also assigned to Sunday. Some Bible translations have now replaced the word “holiday” with the word “Sunday.”

Flimsy about the abolition of the Sabbath

So-called modern theologians unceremoniously and “rather without reason” locate the Sabbath commandment as a ceremonial law (Info). These were actually abolished with the crucifixion of Jesus (completion of burnt offerings).

However, there is no justification why the 4th commandment within the moral laws should be a non-binding and already abolished ceremonial commandment as a matter of course. There is no rational reason. This can in no way be based on the Bible. It’s purely arbitrary. However, the reason for this apparent misrepresentation is obvious.

The reason for this obvious misleading, however, is obvious. Sunday observance was introduced as early as 321 AD and represented a “compromise solution” between Christianity and the pagan Roman sun god Mithras. By agreement between the Emperor Constantine and the “Bishop of Rome”, Sunday was designated as the “legal day of rest”. ” Are defined.

This resulted in the gradual introduction of Sunday as “the Lord’s Day” and the actual Sabbath day (Saturday) was from now on considered a “Jewish holiday”. 2021 marked the 1,700th anniversary of the Sunday introduction. An anniversary”. But a heresy or a deception does not eventually become a true message of salvation if it is only proclaimed long enough.

Sabbath was defined from the beginning

The actual Sabbath day was always the 7th day of the week and was already determined by God after the 6th day of creation as a day to be sanctified. Read Genesis 2:3:
“And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.”
This 7th day of the week falls on Saturday. The Church justifies the sanctification of Sunday, i.e. the first day of the week, with the resurrection of Christ.

In principle, there is nothing wrong with emphasizing this day of the resurrection separately. However, this is no justification for simply repealing the sanctification of the 7th day of the week ordained by God. Between Genesis and the last verse of Revelation, there is not a single reference to Sabbath breaking. On the contrary. No other commandment has been so emphasized in observance as the seventh day of the week, that is, the Sabbath. Nor is there any reason why one of the 10 commandments should be given less weight than another. Even the Catholic Church confirms the 7th day of the week as the true Sabbath.

The difference between the sanctification of Saturday and Sunday is anything but to be underestimated. Observance of Sabbath observance is nothing less than acknowledging the authority of God. The observance of Sunday observance, on the other hand, is the recognition of the authority of the church. A difference that cost the lives of countless believers.

The wheat is separated from the chaff

With Saturday and Sunday the “opinions will differ” in the truest sense of the word. God ordained the 7th day of the week for sanctification and the church(s) ordained the 1st day of the week in accordance with their self-ascribed authority. The latest developments clearly show that Sunday is once again becoming the focus. In addition to the commemoration of the day of Christ’s resurrection, the idea of ​​nature and climate protection has long been added. A “Sabbath for the Earth” to “preserve creation” is one thesis.

Of course, this recovery day should take place on a Sunday. In addition, Sunday is particularly important to protect the happiness of the family. This also brings people on board who have nothing to do with the Christian faith. This also applies to the idea of ​​“climate protection” through a “Sunday lockdown”.

But by worshiping Sunday and ignoring the Sabbath ordained by God, one not only accepts the church as authority, but also simply worships the adversary of God who is hidden behind many faces. Sunday (“Sunday”) has always been and always will be a pagan holiday. The Catholic Church’s penchant for any form of a “sun god” is unmistakable anyway.

Decision: God’s seal or mark of the beast

The mark of the beast described and often quoted in Revelation 14 is seen and understood as the difference between acknowledging God and acknowledging the papacy (the beast). Acknowledging God as supreme (only) authority and fully observing His commandments brings with it the seal of God.

The Roman Catholic Church not only admits to moving the biblical Sabbath to Sunday, but vigorously defends the action – Info.

With the recognition of the church and its Sunday commandment, the acceptance of the mark of the beast on the forehead (faith) and / or on the hand (action) follows logically. The Catholic and Evangelical churches have already defined their authority and also “infallibility”. Sunday will soon be defined as the mandatory rest day, worldwide. First under strict “advice” and finally under threat of sanctions. At this point, it is up to each individual to choose either God or a fictitious authority.

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