Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Education should erase gospel from minds



After just a few decades, the world seems to have been turned inside out. All of a sudden it has become everyday life. Something has changed, and dramatically. The generation that had completed education, especially before the 1990s, sees itself in a new world. People’s thinking seems to have been turned upside down. There is a reason for all of this: the deliberate destruction of the gospel. Institutions that were supposedly only political and globally active turn out to be purely spiritual institutions.

The education system was transformed

The gospel must disappear from people’s minds, no matter what the cost. However, the attack on the truths of God’s Word can no longer be carried out by trampling the Bible. This book is already too widespread for that and it continues to spread. The approach to finally eradicate the words of God from this world is instead done on education and thus on people’s thinking. A process that began long ago and is now almost complete.

TV consumption
The formation of opinions begins very early

The educational institutions, from kindergartens to normal schools and universities, have now been completely reformatted. The result can be clearly seen today, particularly in the “management levels” of the states and also in the churches.

The author and described as a “fundamentalist Christian” Berrit Kjos published several books about the dangers of the new direction of global education. She published one of these books in 1995, “Brave New Schools”. It was already clear over 25 years ago that the plans of the new education were completely contrary to the gospel. She broke down the individual strategies for conditioning people that were planned at the time.

Old standards replaced by new ones

The radical transformation of people’s thought patterns requires an equally radical transformation of education. Old, conservative standards must be replaced by new ones. As usual, sometimes misleading euphemisms were used for this purpose.

New objectives

World class standards

Traditinal: New standards needed for global challenges

New: “High standards” needed for the 21st Century global economy

True meaning: Low standards for literacy, comprehension and facutal knowledge. “High standards” for the beliefs, attitudes, and groub thinking needed to prepare human capital for the 21st Century.

Master learning

Traditinal: Students must master key subjects, i.e., learn the content

New: Given enough time, all students can leard – and achieve the “same high level.”

True meaning: Psychological strategies for conditioning students to new bliefs, values, and ways of thinking. Failure to meet attituadinal, not factual, standards means drilling until students demonstrate the “right” responses.

Outcome-based education

Traditinal: Education students according to planned results

New: A systemic plan to prepare all students to meet high standards.

True meaning: The national delivery system for Mastery Learning. A multi-level process for setting educational standards at the national level and making sure local schools prepare students individually to meet affective standards.

Multicultural education

Traditinal: Learning about cultures

New: Learning to respect and understand all cultures and lifestyles

True meaning: “Becoming” a multicultural person, open to the pluralistic beliefs and lifestyles of all except those who cling to Judeo-Christian values.

Local control

Traditinal: Elected school boards represent local parents

New: Local schools choose and manage their own learning programs

True meaning: The lowest level of a new centralized bureaucracy. A selected panel of supportive citizens will make sure students learn what national standards and tests require.

Taking your eyes off the gospel

Real Christianity is based solely on the Bible. Not only did the true believer get his knowledge, if he was once permitted to do so, from the Word of God, but also science. Archeology in particular drew its approaches to research from the biblical accounts. Discoveries were matched against details contained in the Bible. With the advent of the so-called “Enlightenment” in the 18th century, this changed radically.

“Human reason” was at the center of the newly declared humanism. However, this term does not stand for “human interaction with one another” alone, but also for the approach in science, ethics and philosophy. In humanism, the focus is on people and their intelligence. The morals and ethics of the gospel are considered obsolete. With the French Revolution and the human rights that were declared for the first time during this period, humanism and human reason were established.

Occult duality
Dualism between body and soul – fiction

The new focus on humanism was also the birth of atheism. This phase now appears to be completed. With the gospel being driven out of most people’s minds, the next stage now follows. Globalization in connection with a newly created religion. This newly defined belief has now manifested itself as a “climate protection religion” or in the “Christian sense” as the “preservation of creation” (Info). This time not in France and other parts of Europe, but worldwide.

The following comparison illustrates the differences in the aspects of the transformation that has now taken place from Christianity, through humanism to today’s globalism.

Christianity – humanism – globalism

Biblical absolutes
Old religion
Relative values
Killed religion
Global absolutes
Establish “New” Religion
The Bible reveals realtiy Science explains realtiy Feelings and experience define reality
God is transcendent and personal God is a non-existent crutch A pantheistic god(dess) or force is present in all
God created the earth The earth evolved by random chance The earth evolved by its own (or cosmic) power
Trusting God ist key to success Trusting self ist key to success Trusting one’s inner god-Self is key to success
Good and evil are incompatible Good an evil are relative Joining good and evil brings wholeness

(Source: Brave New Schools – chapter 1)

First field tests in the 18th century

Such a transformation cannot be achieved through a simple regulation, nor within a very short period of time. The approach lies in people’s thinking or thought patterns. And where is the opportunity better than in schools? The first attempts to equip the next generation of society with a new perspective on things took place in Germany as early as the 18th century. Under the leadership of the philosopher and educator Johann Gottlieb Fichte, experimental projects were started at various universities to find out how best to convince people of something, even though this conviction is the opposite of reality

With the motto “learning against learning” the guidelines of the main founder of the Jesuit order, Ignatius of Loyola, were followed. The goal is to declare something white to be black if the church wants it defined that way (Info). The aim was to convince the students of a fiction to such an extent that they would defend it against any claims of reality.

Ignatius v. Loyola
Ignatius V. Loyola – main founder of the Jesuit order

The Jesuit order distinguished itself very early on as the “teacher” among the nations. Even the upper classes in Protestant countries preferred to send their offspring to the Jesuit schools. Education is the future, as we already knew in earlier times. The approach of Jesuit philosophy is based on imagination according to the Ignatian exercises. A world realized in the mind during meditation brings the answers for the right decisions in life. The person thereby opens his mind to suggestions from whomever or whatever. Today also known as “Contemplative Meditation”. Now often offered by the once Protestant churches.

New paradigms are necessary

The complete reorientation of students requires a corresponding paradigm shift in education.

Old paradigm of education New paradigm of education
Emphasis on content, acquiring a
body of “right” information, once and for all
Emphasis on learning how to learn…
pay attention to the right things, be open to an evaluate new concepts, have access to information…
Hierarchical and authoritarian structure Egalitarian. Candor and dissent permitted
Emphasis on the “appropriate ages for certain activities” Flexibilty and integration of age groupings
Priority on performance Priority on self-image as the generator of performance
Emphasis on external world. Inner experience often considered inappropriate in school setting Inner experience seen as context for learning. Use of imagery, storytelling, dream journals, “centering” exercises, and exploration of feelings encouraged
Emphasis on analytical, linear thinking Augments left-brain rationality with holistic, nonlinear, and intuitive strategies

(Source: Brave New Schools – chapter 3)

Newly taught strategies

Absolute values ​​must be relativized and reality must be doubted. Nothing in reality can be something immovable. For this purpose, conservative approaches are discontinued and replaced with newly taught strategies.

Strategies and assessments

Expected meaning Stated meaning Real meaning
Conflict resolution Resolving conflicts Learning to settle disputes peacefully Learning to synthsize beliefs:
trading old absolutes for blended
beliefs and compromised positions
Consensus building Agreement through open discussion Seeking mutual understanding on any given topic Reaching a preplanned outcome by isolating, labeling, intimidating, censuring or ignoring opposing voices
Co-operative learning Students working together Preparing to work in a global society with people whose values differ from yours A means of standardizing beliefs, values, attitudes and behaviors, since all must express respect for eacht other’s ways. Fast or more intuitive students help slower students reach same outcome
Critical thinking Rational, factual study and analysis Teaching students to think for themselves Criticizing traditional values and authorities, often through group discussion and forced decision-making
Higher order thinking Logical integration of facts Application, analysis, synthesis, evaluation Making conclusions based on a pre-determined, politically correct set of opinions or judgments
Values clarification Help students clarify and express the traditional values Discuss and clarify personal values Ridicule, reject and replace old values with moral relativism and self-made choices – often determinded through group consensus

(Source: Brave New Schools – chapter 3)

New priorities in education

In order to push the gospel out of people’s minds, new priorities and definitions must be created. Parallel to the transformation of the education system, science set about doubting the Bible and its statements in every way imaginable. The gospel must seem unbelievable. Corresponding paradigm shifts were therefore also made when setting new priorities in education.

New priorities and “realities”

Old paradigm New paradigm
Biblical truth Earth-centered myths
Facts Experience and feelings
Observation Imagination
Logic Speculation and feelings
Science Politicized pseudo-science
Realtiy Fantasy
Factual history Fictional or multicultural stories
Objective thinking Subjective feelings
Individual responsibility Group thinking

(Source: Brave New Schools – chapter 3)

Ecumenism only attacks the gospel

world nature
Ecumenism runs on the environmental and climate track

The respective religions of the ancient peoples such as Babylonians, Canaanites, Romans, Greece (Hellenists), northern peoples (Scandinavians) and religions that still exist today, including the so-called primitive peoples such as Africans, Indians and native peoples of America and Australia, have numerous pagan practices in common. These traditions and ceremonies include trance, dream-visions, self-deification, spiritualism, sorcery and magic, talismans, solstice rituals, sacrifices, snake worship, and even “sacred sex.”

The complete realignment of education is taking place globally. In addition to Christianity based on the gospel for the formation of a “human family”, all pagan religions are also included. A supposed balancing act, which is, however, much easier than it might seem at first glance. All of the above-mentioned practices are pagan in nature and are only known to the Gospel in such a way that they are condemned in the strongest possible terms. Since the primary goal is to turn people away from the truth of the gospel, only the teachings of the Bible need to be removed from people’s sight. Even the addition of pagan religion (syncretism) was enough to send the misled believer to certain doom.

The mundane is all over the place

There must be a reason for an all-encompassing, global paradigm shift in the “education” of humanity. Such a huge, billion-dollar effort, which amounts to a formal reprogramming of people, is not simply pushed forward in order to offer the individual a satisfied life of actual freedom and self-determination. The question arose here as to who could command or forbid people to do anything that went beyond national legislation within a free society.

The focus here should not be on the “accompanying phenomena” of social and economic forms, but rather on the purely religious aspect. How society should be shaped through coexistence can be read in the compendium of Roman Catholic social teaching, in the encyclical “Rerum Novarum” and in the apostolic exhortation “Gaudium et Spes”.

The church and state hand in hand

Until 1798, the Roman Catholic Church determined what had to be believed within its territory. This with every possible emphasis. Until then, official and more or less recognized by structure and hierarchy. Today, if the Pope were to make a public dictation, the majority would receive a smile of pity. But the Church of Rome is very experienced in using state power to achieve its goals. A specialty that she never really forgot, even after she was thrown out of St. Peter’s Basilica in 1798. A look at the UN’s plans in the areas of education and religion provides the answer to the question of what goal such an effort could have in mind.

Robert Muller UN figurehead for education

UN logo – Roman wreath and view of the earth ‘from the far north’

Leading figures in global education included former United Nations Deputy Secretary-General and Chancellor of the University for Peace Robert Muller. Peace and “education of the world” were his main areas of responsibility. One would think that the UN was founded in October 1945 in the face of the horrors of World War II to keep peace on this planet. So a purely political institution for understanding between peoples. But far from it. This organization has made it its mission to bring something “good” to humanity in all its aspects. In addition to the new educational package, which was actually rolled out in the form of the “World Core Curriculum” under the leadership of Muller, the topic of religion and spirituality also plays a central role to this day.

Robert Muller felt called upon to lead humanity “well and safely” into the new millennium on a spiritual level. In order to be able to implement the desired transformation, this must not meet with the majority of people’s resistance, but ideally must even receive overwhelming support. Robert Muller’s visions are captured in “Essays on Education” from 1990.

The spiritual visions of the UN

However, this spirituality has nothing to do with Christianity according to the Gospel. Finally, global acceptance must be achieved. Robert Muller himself explained the spiritual worldview of the anything but secular UN.

The living earth Gaia

Essay, page 55:

Essay Robert Muller Page 55

We thought at the time that the sun was turning around the earth until we learned from Copernicus that it was not true. Now we’re learning that perhaps this planet has not been created for humans, but that humans have been created for the planet. We hear now of the GAIA hypothesis, of the interdependence of all planetary organism. As a matter of fact all of us sitting here are 70 percent water and 30 percent earth. When wie die where do we go? We return to the Earth as our American Indians and the great religions have all told us. Thus we are temporary living manifestations or incarnations of this Earth. Again, as the American Indians tell us, we are children of the Earth and we must take good care of our mother, and respect her. We are living Earth. We are Earth alive and are beginning to be concerned about the Earth. The living consciousness of the Earth is beginning to operate through us. All over the world a kind of Earth democracy is taking shape.

Man is cosmic cell

Essay, page 56:

Essay Robert Muller Page 56

You, as cosmic and earth cells, are part of a vast biological and evolutionary phenomenon which is of first importance at this stage, namely humanity as a whole, the whole human species, has become the brain, the heart, the soul, the expression and the action of the Earth.

Worthless seeds must wither

Essay, page 57:

Essay Robert Muller Page 57

This is something absolutely extraordinary because it means that each of us is a cosmic unit, that we have the ingredients of the total cosmos in ourselves. The cosmos is giving birht to billions of humans as seeds. Many seeds fall on stone or on infertile ground or do not understand what their duties are. But growing numbers of people understand that they have a cosmic function deep in themselves. […] It is not impossible that the Hindu philosophy might be right, taht only those who had worthwhile lives contributing to the good and further evolution of this plant will be allowed to live again and that worthless seeds will be elft aside to wither away. The religions can be very helpful in the understanding of these new cosmologies.

Human in a cosmic family

Essay, page 57:

Essay Robert Muller Page 57b

In other words humanity the same way as it has become recently a global family is also becoming now a cosmic family. We will realize that we are a cosmic species which will find its way on this planet only by following the immanent rulers of the cosmos. Some call it God, others a cosmic substratum that is in each of us as the manifestation of the living universe divided and distributed over all reality.

Science is involved

Essay, page 58:

Essay Robert Muller Page 58

First, a major conference should be convened on a new cosmology. One could listen to the physicists, to the biologists, to oher scientists and to people who have come out with new cosmologies. From their views one would extract a common denominator. They all have very important perceptions. But these perceptions vary with the point of view of there professions: spiritual, social, political, etc. At the end of such a conference we would have a better understanding of what the cosmos is expecting from us in our next phase of evolution.

Explaining “God” to politicians

Essay, page 59:

Essay Robert Muller Page 59

Sixth, we need a world or cosmic spirituality. We have heard this morning religious leaders of various faiths. It was illuminating. I hope that religious leaders will get together and define before the end of this century the cosmic laws which are common to all their faiths. They have been cosmic experts and interpreters of the heavens for a long time. They should tell the politicians what the cosmic laws are, what God, or the gods, or the cosmos are expecting from the humans. […]

We must hope also that the Pope will come before the year 2000 to the United Nations, speak for all the religions and spiritualists on this planet and give the world the religious view of how the third millenium should be a spiritual millennium, a millennium which will see the integration and harmony of humantiy with creation, with nature, with the planet, with the cosmos and with eternity.

Robert Muller’s desired goals

The package of measures called for by Robert Muller to transform global society includes 17 positions and in some areas corresponds to the changes in the education system that were also planned in the 1990s.

1. New cosmology
2. New philosophy
3. New sociology
4. New Anthropology
5. Comprehensive human biology
6. Cosmic spirituality
7. New world politics and new political system
8. Proper planetary management
9. New World Philanthropy
10. New World Education
11. New World Information
12. New World Ethics
13. New World Science and Technology
14. New World Economy
15. New World Art
16. New World Psychology
17. New art of living

UN departments and areas of responsibility

Essay Robert Mullier Page 36

The various key topics for the new education according to the “World Core Curriculum” are assigned to the UN departments. And one is sometimes surprised at who and what plays a role in this “big thing” (essay, pages 35 and 36).

  • International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) in Vienna, Austria;

  • International Labor Organization (ILO) in Geneva, Switzerland;

  • Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) in Rome, Italy;

  • United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organzation (UNESCO) in Paris, France;

  • World Health Organization (WHO) in Geneva, Switzerland;

  • International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD), International Development Association (IDA), and International Finance Corporation (IFC) at the World Bank in Washington D.C., USA;

  • International Monetary Fund (IMF) in Washington D.C.;

  • International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) in Montreal, Canada;

  • Universal Postal Union (UPU) in Berne, Switzerland;

  • International Telecommunication Union (ITU) in Geneva;

  • World Meteorological Organization (WMO) in Geneva;

  • International Maritime Organization (IMO) in London, England;

  • General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) in Geneva;

  • World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO) in Geneva;

  • International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) in Rome;

  • World Tourism Organization (WTO), linked with the UN under a type of agrreement.

  • United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in New York, USA;

  • United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) in Geneva, United Nations Development Program (UNDP) in New York;

  • Office of UN Disaster Relief Coordinator (UNDRO) in Geneva;

  • United Nations Evironment Program (UNEP) in Nairobi, Kenya;

  • United Nations Fund for Drug Abuse Control (UNFDAC) in Vienna;

  • Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in Geneva;

  • United Nations Industrial Development Organization (UNIDO) in Vienna;

  • United Nations Institute for Training and Research (UNITAR) in New York;

  • United Nations Population Fund Activities (UNPF) in New York;

  • United Nations Relief and Words Agency (UNRWA) in Vienna;

  • United Nations Universtiy (UNU) in Tokyo, Japan;

  • United Nations Volunteers (UNV) in New York;

  • World Food Program (WFP) in Rome.

For example, “Our relationship with the sun” falls under the respective remit of the UN, UNESCO, FAO and WMO and the Earth’s climate falls under the responsibility of the WMO and UNEP. While human life is “subject” to the UN, WHO, FAO, UNESCO, ILO and IBRD, only the IAEA remains responsible for the “world of atoms”.

Final dreams and formulas

Hindu elephant
Hinduism as a template for global dreams

The visions in this essay conclude with a list of Robert Muller’s dreams. He hopes, among other things, “that all social and political sciences will follow the example of the exact sciences and become global. We need most urgently a global anthropology, a global sociology, a global psycology and a global political and administrative science. ” (page 66).

Finally, a spiritually conceived formula:

“Everything has been lived,
everything has been thought,
everything has been dreamt,
everything has been felt,
everything has been said;
but the great art of living is to live it all over again,
to think it again, to dream it again,
to feel it again,
to say it again yourself.

We are all fundementally the same;
we are each unique and forever unrepeatable.
This is one of the beauties of the universe.

To seek is not enough, we must also find.
To find is not enough, we must also act.”

Politicized New Age and spiritualism

The UN and its affiliated institutions prove it themselves. With the UN surrounded in Roman ears of corn, it is by no means a purely political institution, but rather a thoroughly spiritual institution. Their global decisions, at least in the area of ​​education, are based entirely on pagan religion. It is clear at first glance that this conveyed faith could not be further from the gospel.

Spiritual preparatory work by Teilhard de Chardin

The nature of this UN spirituality is not surprising. The UN’s spiritual mentor for many years was Pierre Teilhard de Chardin. A French Jesuit. His areas of work in philosophy concerned, among other things, “love as cosmic energy”, “overcoming the mind-matter dualism” and “human beings in the cosmos”. His spiritual achievements are among the most quoted “wisdom” in New Age philosophy.

Foundation by Alice Ann Bailey

The “theological” foundation for the UN clergy was laid by Alice Ann Bailey. A so-called “Theosophist” and founder of the “Lucifer Publishing Company”, now renamed “Lucis Trust”. One branch of this “trust” is “World Goodwill.” The cooperation with the UN is so close that “World Goodwill” maintains permanent offices in New York, London and Geneva (Source). The focus of the cooperation includes “soul education”, meditation under the full moon and “education with Agni Yoga”, primarily for children and young people. The aim is to realize global cooperation from the “spiritual dynamics of the crisis” by revealing the light of the soul.

Alice Ann Bailey followed in the footsteps of the relatively well-known “theosophist” Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (Source). A self-confessed Satanist.

Defense and biblical arguments

Holy Scripture
The only argument is the gospel

A global and all-encompassing effort to transform human thinking. The book “Brave New Schools” and the essay by Robert Muller are now over 25 years old. In the mid-1990s, the UN rolled out the “World Core Curriculum.” The first “fruits” of this education strategy are now in influential positions, including in the parliaments of the federal states. The teachers in the educational forges are included. What other way out is there to protect yourself from these contemporaries who are clearly in a parallel world of relativity?

Anyone who wants to remain faithful to the Gospel must inevitably expect to have to justify themselves for it. Any deviation from the groups that demand tolerance but usually act completely intolerant is doomed to be torn up at the roots. As the Bible itself describes it, at this point it means taking up the “armor of God”. The answer here can only be the Word of God. No more and no less. The attacked but God-loyal “outsider” has thus given his testimony and he also sticks to his point of view. The “rest,” as trivial as it may sound, is God’s business.

Simple Strategy – The Gospel

Accusation When people say… Remember God’s truth
Intolerant “You should be more tolerant of different beliefs and lifestyles” Eph. 5:3-11, 15-17
“Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness…”
Judgmental “You think we’re sinners because we don’t want your God.” Rom. 3:23, Is. 53,6
“All have sinned and fall short of the glory of God.”
Arrogant “You believe your religion is better than ours.” John 14:6
Jesus said, “No one comes to the Father except through me.”
Narrow-minded “You’re not open to other spiritual traditions” Deut. 4:39
“…the LORD is God in heaven above and on the earth below. There is no other.”

Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil.
Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God, that ye may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Ephesians 6:11,13

(Source: Brave New Schools)

Bible verses from King James Version

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