Who today still knows the 10 commandments of God as they appear in the Bible? The statutes of human rights are probably equally unknown, but they are still on everyone’s lips. The commandments of God and human rights are opposed to each other.
Inhalt / Content
- 1 Human rights on everyone’s lips
- 2 Female pseudo-angel
- 3 The serpent in a circle – Ouroboros
- 4 Pyramid with eye – sun rays
- 5 Phrygian cap of the Jacobins
- 6 Fascia with lance
- 7 Tablets of the Law – Tablets of Moses as a model
- 8 Overall picture of the Declaration of Human Rights
- 9 A truly achieved freedom?
- 10 Human rights – An incidental paradox
- 11 Human rights and God’s statutes
- 12 Just charity would be enough
- 13 The spirit behind the declaration
- 14 It can (still) leave the God-fearing person unmoved
Human rights on everyone’s lips
How much do people hear today about the 10 commandments of God and how much about the declared human rights? While you have to look directly outside the Bible to find out something about the biblical statutes, people receive information day in and day out, without being asked and constantly, about additional extensions of “human rights” with the once 17 articles that have long been added. Today hardly anyone speaks of the 10 Commandments, not even the large churches. There is no comparison to the human rights flags held high and fluttering in the wind.
The following illustrations have something to do with “human rights”. Each representation has very interesting backgrounds.
Female pseudo-angel
A female angel. The Bible does not know of any female angels. There is neither a “Michaela” nor a “Gabriela”. Female as well as small fat angel children (cherubs) found a way from ancient and pagan Babylon via Hellenism and the Byzantine paths ultimately into the Roman Catholic Church. The use of female angels is a blatant reversal of what is found in the Bible. This is true even in “postmodern LGBTQ+ times.” This pseudo-angel pictured holds a scepter in his hand. This figure shows who is giving the commands.
The French Revolution had a big problem with religion. Religion was banned, Bibles burned, and a prostitute was crowned as the “goddess of reason” instead. This coronation took place at Notre-Dame, Paris. In 1798, Napoleon Bonaparte sent his general Berthier to depose the Pope in Rome. The disempowerment of the papacy at the state-political level. Nevertheless, the pontiff remained head of the church and as early as 1801 the Church of Rome found its way into France again, even as the state religion.
The serpent in a circle – Ouroboros
A snake biting its own tail, forming a circle. The classic representation of an “Ouroboros” (Uroboros), the so-called “self-devourer” or “tail-devourer”. Other depictions show a dragon instead of the snake, although the mythological background is identical.
One of the oldest depictions of this serpent can be found in ancient Egypt, on one of the shrines of Pharaoh Tutankhamun, in the “Enigmatic Book of the Underworld”. This is probably more of an alibi claim, since Pharaoh Tutmosis III, whose column now stands on the site of the main church of the Roman Catholic Church in Rome (Lateran), is the main character of the “Book of the Dead”. It would be better not to present such connections to the public in such a popular way.
This book describes the union of Ra with Osiris in the underworld. In it, this serpent appears twice, while one illustration depicts an encircling figure’s feet. This figure is the result of the union of Ra and Osiris.
A very popular symbol
The philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche dedicated himself to this ouroboros and compared this representation to everything in the future, which is bitten in the tail by the past. This snake representation came to its use in Western traditions from Egypt, via the mystical-magical tradition of Hellenism. To this day, the Ouroboros serves as a symbol of Hermeticism and Gnosticism.
In Gnosticism this serpent means the soul in the world and eternity. According to the Gnostic Pistis Sophia (ca. 400 AD), the Ouroboros represents a dragon made up of twelve parts, circling the world with its tail in its mouth.
Images of ouroboros were also found in ancient Rome, as well as in Scandinavia within Nordic mythology (including the lindworm legend), as well as in India and its philosophy of Kundalini, with eroticism and sexual acts at its core (e.g. Kundalini yoga). Another interpretation is the “cosmic unity”, both in the microcosm and in the macrocosm, i.e. the totality.
The Ouroboros was used as part of the logo of the “Theosophical Society”, the “IL N’Y A PAS DE RELIGION SUPÉRIEURE À LA VÈRITÉ”. Theosophy teaches that there are numerous gods who can ensure the salvation of people. It doesn’t matter whether you’re Christian, Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist or Jew. The most famous representatives of theosophy are Helena Petrovna Blavatsky (confessed Satan worshiper) and Alice Ann Bailey. The latter founded “Lucifers Publishing Company”, later renamed and still existing today as “Lucis Trust”. Its offshoot, “World Goodwill”, works closely with the UN to develop the global curriculum at the respective educational institutions (World Core Curriculum – Info).
Pyramid with eye – sun rays
The pyramid, or rather the end piece of a pyramid with an eye in it. In the background the rays of the sun. This symbol is almost ubiquitous today. Be it the pyramid alone, the eye, or in combination. A relic from ancient pagan Egypt. The eye therefore came from the “sun god” Re. A later variant speaks of Horus and thus also of the “Eye of Horus”. This is the son of Osiris, again a sun god and Horus is the light bearer (corresponds to Lucifer). The “all-seeing eye of God”, this is also an interpretation of the churches. Behind the rays of the sun. Also positioned very prominently above the door of the residence in Würzburg.
It immediately seems to be a universal, interreligious symbol. The “All-Seeing Eye” can be found in Christianity as well as in Judaism. Such images were also found in the Jewish cemetery in Kamienna Góra. The Masonic lodges are also enthusiastic about this symbol and declare that they have adopted the “All-Seeing Eye” from Christianity. From a differentiated perspective, “Christianity” applies to the Roman Catholic Church.
Then there is the Illuminati, ensnared as a “conspiracy theory,” who made friends with this symbol. This offset pyramid end piece with an eye can still be admired on every 1 dollar bill today. The coat of arms of Listringen, a district of the city of Bad Salzdethfurth in Lower Saxony, contains the whole package. A combination of a seeing eye pyramid, sun rays background, and framed by an ouroboros. This too in a green area.
Phrygian cap of the Jacobins
The Phrygian Cap was a prominent symbol of the French Revolution and a trademark of the Jacobins who drove the revolution and mass beheadings. Their closest connections lead to the “Club of the Loyala Brothers”, the Jesuits.
The Phrygian cap appears in archeology with the former North Israeli king Jehu, as he is shown paying tribute to the Assyrian king Salma Nasser II. In keeping with his subservience, Jehu put on the deity cap of the Assyrians. A special feature is this Phrygian cap of the “sun god” Mithras. A religion whose mythology corresponds to the stories of ancient Egypt, exported to north-east India, modified and, as it were, reached Persia as a re-import. Mithraism was very widespread, also through the help of the later legionnaires of the Roman Empire (Info). At the beginning of Christianity, Christianity and Mithraism were equals.
The emperors of Rome, especially in the first centuries after Christ, not only held the title “Pontifex Maximus”, but also saw themselves as the adorable, earthly representative of the “sol invictus” (“Invincible Sun”). The most prominent representative is Emperor Constantine, who, under the auspices of Mithras, introduced the Sunday law as the “venerable day of the sun” in 321. This paganism was fully embraced by the Roman Catholic Church and merely “Christianized” for the sake of appearance.
The Phrygian cap is clearly a symbol of the pagan “sun god” Mithras.
Fascia with lance
A bundle of fagots with an ax or a lance or spear. A symbol from ancient Rome for the absolute rule of the emperor or the tribune of the people. The fascia became more famous thanks to the Italian dictator Benito Mussolini. He established the so-called Italian fascism and used this symbol extensively. Mussolini was instrumental in founding Vatican City in 1929. Today, the symbol can be found in duplicate behind the lectern of the US Congress. The Statue of Liberty in New York also has a fascia as a support for the fire flame. The statue’s 7-rayed crown corresponds to the crown of the “sun god” Mithras.
Tablets of the Law – Tablets of Moses as a model
True to the ideas of the two tablets of the Law of Moses, as they have always been imagined, the two plates shown are also designed with the respective inscription. One should get the impression that the written texts have the force of law.
What seems interesting here is that the fascia between the two tablets of the law is in the form of a lance. Legal texts left and right and the symbol for fascism in between. That should actually at least make you curious.
Overall picture of the Declaration of Human Rights
What do the images shown above have to do with human rights? These symbols are all part of the official illustration of the first Declaration of Human Rights in France in 1789. The woman in the upper left corner represents France itself, after its liberation from the chains of the Roman Church and the monarchy. A whole load of paganism, displayed visibly and openly.
Using a total of 17 articles, people are explained what rights they are entitled to and what duties they have to fulfill. A few positions are also being lost for the state. In the background of the centuries-long oppression of people by monarchies and the cruel tyranny of the Roman Catholic Church, the declared human rights, based on Hellenism (natural law) and human reason, seem to be a real liberation. The king in his own country and the emperor based in Rome were sawn off.
A truly achieved freedom?
The individual illustrations listed above on the Declaration of Human Rights in the summary:
Human rights proclaims on tablets that are modeled on the tablets of Moses, a female angel as a reversal of the biblical angels, a snake for the symbolism of ancient Egyptian mythology and Hellenistic magic, a pyramid end piece with the eye of Horus or Ra and the Sun rays of Osiris in the background, the Phrygian cap of the “sun god” Mithras and the fascia as a symbol of fascism. The pseudo-angel points to the pyramid with the eye using the symbol of power of the scepter.
It is obvious that one cannot count on a biblical basis for the declared human rights, a child of the French Revolution. The Bible was, after all, one of the main targets of this revolution. But do the symbols used on the Declaration of Human Rights actually look like impiety and human reason according to the recently born atheism? It is actually teeming with symbols of ancient or pagan “gods”.
The stark naked prostitute crowned as the “goddess of reason” can certainly be understood as mockery and ridicule against the God of the Bible. Pagan sun gods, realms of the dead, Medo-Persian deities in Roman style and the fascism depicted do not look at all like godlessness and true democracy, but rather like paganism installed through the back door. Although it was depicted strikingly, it was not recognized in the frenzy of people’s joy at the abdication of the monarchy and the Pope, and has been completely lost sight of to this day.
Human rights – An incidental paradox
It is quite paradoxical that the declared human rights, in accordance with Hellenistic natural law, are proclaimed at all and are defended with zeal by people. Anyone who has recognized themselves as a human being outside of any person (legal subject, subject to the law) will also know that no human being has the right to be able to impose a set of rules, even “human law”, on another human being without their consent. This applies even more to a legal entity, as all of them represent, which “fight” for human rights at the authority or corporate level. But these rights just sound “so good” and you can feel on the morally safe side.
Human rights and God’s statutes
17 articles are intended to regulate coexistence between people and the state. That’s 7 more than the 10 commandments of God. To date, a number of additional provisions or “rights” have been added. Any desires and wishes of minorities are automatically declared to be human rights. This also applies to the demanded “human right” to kill unborn children.
All you have to do is compare the first 17 human rights articles with the 10 commandments of God and you will quickly realize that some points of contact can only be discovered with difficulty. This is obvious, because the new concept created with the French Revolution has as little to do with biblical principles as an emperor has to do with kings and princes. Viewed objectively, many of the 17 articles would be completely unnecessary if people “only” observed the 10 commandments of God (10 Commandments). All you need to do is take the “summary” of the commandments, i.e. love for God and love for your fellow human beings, and only the part of love for your neighbor. “You shall love your next like yourself”. If this were the case, then people would never even think of wanting to attack their fellow human beings, and this in turn would make a ban through a human rights declaration unnecessary.
Just charity would be enough
This simple statement only needs to be applied to the individual 17 articles of human rights (Article). Wouldn’t many of these articles be omitted from the Declaration of Human Rights if every person loved his neighbor as himself? This also applies to the state. Because the state itself is unable to act without people and that is why the state always deals with people in their function as organs of the state. These people in their offices, parliaments, government positions would also stand out based on their charity because of their love, consideration, compassion, helpfulness, modesty and strict adherence to all the norms enforced (yes, utopia).
The person in his official seat is just as subject to God’s law as the people in parliament. So much for the theory, because the maxim is strict separation between church and state. A situation that has already been put into perspective, especially in the USA. Such a separation between church and state only applies to democratic structures. The very structures that owe their existence to the same people who led the revolution in France and ensured the formulation of human rights. In this sense, and only in this sense, the separation is therefore entirely understandable. Extra-biblical structures also require extra-biblical solutions.
The spirit behind the declaration
But things would look completely different in a monarchy, just such a structure that was eliminated by the revolution, at least in those places that were visible to the “citizens”. Not a conventional monarchy, but the monarchy once actually established, with Jesus Christ, King of us all, in His Kingdom. And in this monarchy it will not be “human reason” that will prevail, which brought us there, as we can see more and more impressively today, but the rules of God. That’s the “small but subtle” difference.
You have to be pretty blind not to recognize the spirit behind the declared human rights. It is the direct opponent of Jesus Christ. The one who wanted to build his own empire with his own rules. Everything is beautifully packaged in the humanism that is highly stylized, especially by the “poets and thinkers”. The human being at the center, but not Jesus Christ, was conceived and promoted by the “Brotherhood of Loyola Worshipers”.
The relationship between the Declaration of Human Rights and Catholic social teaching cannot be overlooked. The Declaration in its original version deals with property rights in Article 17. This is “inviolable and sacred” and the property can be taken away from no one. The fact that at this point it says “no one” instead of “human being” is already suspicious and the suspicion is confirmed in the running text, because “unless public necessity, legally ascertained, obviously requires it, and just and prior indemnity has been paid.”
This approach can also be found in the modern version of the EU Charter of Fundamental Rights. Ironically, so does Article 17.
The adversary still has freedom for his actions and the freedoms are visibly expanded by God. However, this only has the sole purpose of ensuring that the wheat and weeds that are still growing in parallel reach maturity. Then the reapers come for the final harvest.
It can (still) leave the God-fearing person unmoved
The fact is that not even the representatives of the once Protestant churches point a finger at God’s commandments to enlighten people, but rather use themselves and the money of church tax payers to promote human rights in all their rainbow-colored splendor. From the position of the God-fearing believer who adheres to God’s commandments out of faith and conviction alone, he can currently dismiss human rights as automatically fulfilled. Because true charity does not even question the integrity of one’s neighbor. Even religious freedom can leave a true believer unmoved, since man made the only right choice with the God of the Bible.
However, the human right takes on a completely different character when a passage is added that, for example, defines climate protection as such a right and thus enforced measures are introduced. One of the already visible top favorites is an interreligious Sunday rest day for the protection of the climate, nature and the (sudden) protection of the family (Info). While human rights with options (e.g. freedom of religion) are still voluntary and therefore renunciation is possible, a Sunday day of rest and devotion would come into direct conflict with God’s commandments if the biblical Sabbath (Saturday) were to be made impossible . Then it means (undauntedly) to obey God more than people.
The enemy that sowed them is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world; and the reapers are the angels.
Matthew 13:39
Bible verses from King James Version