The goal of Christianity contrasted with that of Buddhism. Both variants could not be more opposite. Eternal life awaits man on the one hand and Nirvana on the other. Two diametrically opposed views.
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Christianity: Life in abundance
Even the most superficial Christian realizes that the goal or promise in Christianity can be eternal life. For the lost, there is now a debate within the various churches as to whether eternal damnation is an endless torment of hell or an extinction of existence. Regardless of all the pronouncements, however, a look into the Bible with one’s own hand shows that there is neither a journey to heaven nor a descent into hell immediately after death. The purgatory is omitted anyway, since this place is exclusively in the imaginative and enterprising minds of the Romans. Catholic Church exists. Nor does the Scriptures give any indication of a hell that, according to popular prophecies, will exist at any point in time.
What is described as hell in connection with an “eternal fire” in the Bible stands for an unquenchable fire until the work of destruction is completed. Those affected are literally wiped out, consumed, and led into non-existence. It will be as if the lost never existed. This is described, among other things, as the “second death”, so Revelation 20:14: “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death.”
Even death and the grave will be destroyed. No trace of eternal suffering in hell.
For the redeemed an existence in eternity awaits and this with the presence of God. A life in “abundance”, without wailing, tears, suffering and death. Sin will be no more. Fed up with life.
Buddhism: Absolute nothingness
In Buddhism, the believer strives straight for Nirvana. A god does not exist in this belief. The origin of life or the reason for being is therefore unknown in Buddhism. “It’s just there”. For the Buddhist, life is just one segment of an ongoing cycle of life (“samsara”), death and rebirth (reincarnation). Good deeds or works of the present life can have a positive effect on the next life. Bad deeds accordingly. Now life is always accompanied by suffering, discomfort and other inconveniences. The goal is therefore nirvana. An exit from this constant cycle. The prerequisite for this is spiritual awakening (“enlightenment”).
The word Nirvana itself describes the state very well, “extinguishing” or “drifting away”. From the transition from the cycle to nirvana, man passes into the unborn and uncreated. His mind and thinking are completely disconnected from the worldly, even separated from his own self-awareness. In Nirvana there is neither space nor time, nothing can be distinguished from each other. There is nothing at all that has any quality whatsoever. As absolute nothing.
These sometimes very mystical and also “flowery”-sounding descriptions of Nirvana can also be compared to a short property: Absolute death.
Nirvana is equal to the gospels 2nd death
Nirvana = 2nd death for eternity
Buddhism is quite carefree
It is frightening and at the same time “fascinating” how God’s adversary has managed to convey a religion or philosophy to people that has its own final and eternal annihilation as the desirable goal. Explaining this fact to a Buddhist often fails at the very beginning of conveying the origin and reason for the current conditions on earth. The Bible has an answer for all of this. For Buddhism, however, this is irrelevant. After all, it contributes nothing to “karma” and this needs to be improved so that the chances for nirvana are increased.
A literal vicious cycle. The symbolism and rituals in Buddhism also speak a clear language about their origin, ancient Babylon. Serpents, rats, dragons, wheels of life, all worthy of worship and to be worshiped with incense. One of the few similarities with (pseudo) Christianity is the sprinkling of holy water by the monks and the use of “special water” in the Catholic Church. (the new Babylon) Overall, the points of contact are almost zero.
Different interpretations of meditation
Even the supposed path to improved karma, meditation, differs fundamentally from the descriptions in the Bible. While the gospel meditation is about a full mind to the written Word of God, for the Buddhist meditation means the complete emptying of the mind. A practice that also found its way into the forms of the “Ignatian Exercises” of Ignatius Loyola, the first Superior General of the Jesuit Order. Unfortunately, such “spiritual exercises” have also found their way into some evangelical churches. In short: Hands off! If you “empty” your head, you make room for the inspirations of those who shouldn’t come to your mind.
The Bible warns against “emptying the spirit”
The Bible also urgently warns against such emptying of the spirit:
“When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man, he walketh through dry places, seeking rest, and findeth none. Then he saith, I will return into my house from whence I came out; and when he is come, he findeth it empty, swept, and garnished. Then goeth he, and taketh with himself seven other spirits more wicked than himself, and they enter in and dwell there: and the last state of that man is worse than the first. Even so shall it be also unto this wicked generation.”. (Mat.12:43-45)
Bible verses from King James Version