Vegan diet is harmful to health and can even be fatal. Such headlines suggest a blanket message. However, these are products from chemical companies that declare their body fillers as vegan foods due to the omission of animal products.
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Meat renunciation in favor of the climate
A new study wants to prove that a vegan diet can be not only harmful to health but also deadly. This of all times when people are being asked to give up meat and meat products for the sake of “climate protection”. Now vegan food means the complete renunciation of meat and also of any animal products. These include, in particular, eggs, milk, cheese and yoghurt. “Extreme” vegans also classify honey as non-vegan as it is a product of “exploitation” of the animal. As in any topic, one can exaggerate a little in this field. If the same group also advocates doing without agricultural machinery because of emissions, then the consumption of potatoes and turnips will also become scarce if the farmer hitches his ox to the plow. Eventually he will be “exploited”.
Vegan can even be deadly

If Fake: Even worse
Now there is a lot of wind about this “new” knowledge of “harmful” vegan nutrition. Vegan is not the same as vegan. Because just like in “meat fast food” there is a lot of rubbish around “vegan green food”. And it is precisely these industrial substitutes that are the focus of this vegan study, as Merkur reported.
This is how Dr. Matthias Riedl, internist and nutritionist, is skeptical about most alternative products. These “vegan products” are ultra-high-processed finished products. The substitute products mentioned include in particular the “fillers”, which look like cheese, sausage or meat, but do not contain any animal products. These substitutes have nothing to do with healthy eating, and as such can be unhealthy and even deadly, Riedl said. To top it all off, there is usually a completely exorbitant price.
If a product has more than 1 gram of salt per 100 grams, it should be left alone. Too much salt increases the risk of a stroke, according to the nutritionist. Schnitzel substitute can contain too much phosphate. This not only causes muscles and skin to age faster, but also increases the risk of heart attack, can cause strokes and trigger osteoporosis.
Two studies prove the effect of the fillers
The studies now evaluated focused on two relationships. One the link between ready meals and heart disease (“Framingham-Offspring Study”) and the other the link between processed foods and Crohn’s disease (“Cohort Study”). Both studies were conducted in 2021.
The first study showed that highly processed foods can lead to a higher risk of cardiovascular disease. These include stroke, heart attack, circulatory disorders and this in connection with a higher death rate.
The second study found a link between processed foods and the more common Crohn’s disease (inflammatory bowel disease).
Vegan substitute products are therefore more critical than other finished products. The former are extremely processed and “particularly chemically”, according to Riedl.
Vegan yes – but on a right way

A vegan diet should definitely not consist of “currywurst copies” and the like. The research results mentioned above are anything but new. A balanced vegan diet consists of a variety of grains, vegetables and fruits. In addition, a “healthy portion” of various nuts in combination with honey. The two studies were each conducted in the United States. Also in the USA there were recently studies on the health and lifespan of people who eat a (properly) vegan diet. There could be no question of substitute products according to chemical companies. The results look very different from the bulking studies done by “food” chemists.
An “acquaintance” in the center
A very interesting aspect related to vegan diets based on (extremely processed) meat substitutes is the fact that Bill Gates, who has always cared about people’s health, has been the largest private farmland owner in the USA since 2021. Er hat teils überteuerte Preise bezahlt, um so die lokalen Farmer vom Markt zu drängen. He sometimes paid overpriced prices in order to force local farmers out of the market. In addition, there are investments of larger sums of money in companies, that have specialized in the production of such “vegan substitute products” (so-called fake meats). This of course for reasons of climate protection.