Olli Dürr

Die Welt konservativ betrachtet

Day: 4. May 2023

New Observatory for Marian Apparitions – Mystical

Deutsch The Vatican presented a newly set up department to the public just two weeks ago, the “observatory for Marian apparitions”. The purpose of this facility is to take a closer look at reported apparitions of Mary and other “mystical phenomena”. Expansion of a Vatican department The “Observatory for Marian Apparitions” is not a one-man […]

Federal judge confirms slurred term “Christianity”

Deutsch The term “Christianity” has already degenerated into a general-purpose designation. One need only hint at any belief to relate it in some way to Christian belief. The President of the Federal Court of Justice shows this clearly with her attitude. The main thing is “Christian” Not everything is really Christian that says Christian on […]

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